The CEO's Bad Boy {4}

Start from the beginning

"Huh, yeah," he said, poking the blazer. He wasn't sure what it was made of, but the fabric felt amazing on his bare skin. Even though he had been wearing it for a while, it still felt very cold on his skin, which he highly appreciated.

"Why?" Cecilia asked.

"Because it was cold," he replied.

Ashton eyed Sebb, who was already looking at the younger boy. He looked at him with the eyes, the one's that said 'please, see where I was going with this'. Sebastian caught on, but then he smiled, Ash would have grinned because of another facial expression, but he was panicking. He didn't know what that smile meant.

"Actually," Sebastian said. "He had to be taken to the hospital, after he woke up. He had said he wanted to go to the cafe, but one of the waitresses accidentally poured hot water all over him. He had no shirt, so I offered him my blazer."

Ash scowled, at least he hadn't told her the truth, because the truth would never let her go to the Netherlands for the case.

"Take off the jacket, Mr," Cecilia said, a frown on her face.

"I don't want to, it's cold," Ash whined. He shivered, he thought it added some extra flare.

"Ash. Jacket. Now."

"But this jacket is warm. You don't want me to freeze to death, do you? Or get frostbite and lose my fingers?" he protested, bringing it closer to himself.

"Ash, for the love of God, jacket off, now!"

"I don't need his love. I'm okay with having Satan's love."

Cecilia glared at her son, but it was that glare. The one that translated to ''if you don't do what I'm asking you to do, I shall beat your ass with my slipper'.

"Fine," he groaned. Ash slipped his jacket off and he heard the winces of everyone. He was glad that his torso was bandaged, he didn't want to see them.

"Oh, dude, that's messed up," Dai whispered slowly.

"Wait," Lucky said. "Where do you come in this?" he asked, pointing at Sebastian.

Ash smirked, bet he didn't think about that. He inwardly praised Lucky.

"You see, the shop owner rang the ambulance and the ambulance took him to A&E, where I was because one of my clients was there. I had just finished up with him until I saw Kid and asked what happened."

Ash scowled, why was he so good at lying.

Note: good at lying.

"And they told you? Just like that. What happened to doctor-patient confidentiality?" Dai asked, frowning. Ash had never been more thankful for his nosy bestf riends than he was right now.

"Yes, I am the CEO of a big company after all." Dai just nodded, clearly not accepting the answer.

Ash realised he was still holding Sebastian's blazer, so he took the few steps down and handed it to him. "Here."

Sebastian nodded.

"There, I'm going up now, bye, let's go," Ash said.

The two boys were behind him as they walked into Ash's messy room, not bothering with the messy floor. Ash picked his backpack up off his bed and picked his clothes up that were scattered on the floor, dumping them on his bed as he took a seat, the other two taking a seat on either side until they formed a somewhat broken circle.

Ash scowled as he opened up his macbook.

"What's got your underwear in a twist?" Dai asked, head cocked.

Lucky grinned. "Let me guess, you can't, um, what's the word? Figure him out? I guess."

Ash scowled but nodded.

"No way, Ashton Saunders can't figure someone out," Dai said, a grin on his face.

This was a surprise, indeed. Ever since the incident, Ash had become very observant. He watched people, their behaviour along with their emotions, eyes and body language. He kept note of it all, it was how he had somehow managed three years of highschool, he was glad this year would be his last. If push ever came to shove, he knew exactly who to depend on, Zero and this one odd little boy.

"Wait, why can't you?" Dai asked, he leaned back on Ash's bed, splaying his arms. Lucky shuffled so he was pressed against Dai, he pulled Dai's arm around him, Dai smiled as he kissed the top of his head.

"He hardly shows emotion," Ash muttered. "His eyes are always that dull brown but he has got gold flecks in."

"Really?" Dai asked.

"Yeah, I saw them."

"But we've never seen them. And that says something because Lucky has amazing eyesight, he can see things from a mile away," Dai said, slightly confused.


"All right, I need your help, we need to search him up. Get everything and anything on him.

The CEO's Bad Boy {MalexMale}Where stories live. Discover now