The CEOs Bad Boy {3}

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Once at home, Cecilia didn't say a word as she went to her room. Ash didn't understand the big deal about this case? But whatever it was, he hoped his mother didn't hurt herself. She tended to drown her sorrows, by drowning herself in work.

"We could watch some TV?" Lucky said as he pointed to the large TV, in the lounge room.

Ash nodded and so did Dai.

The three boys made themselves comfortable on the couch, a little into the movie, Ash decided to check on his mother.

"Are you okay?" he asked, as he peeped into her room.

"I'm fine," she said as Ash went inside. But he knew she wasn't. She kept playing with her hair and raking her hands over her face. She told me that she was, in fact, not fine. Ash wanted to know why she was hiding it.

"Why are you lying to me?" he deadpanned. His mother's face snapped up as she looked at him.

She gave him a small smile. "It's just a new case, hun." Beside her was the case she was talking about, a case file that was so thick. Ash tried to peak at the, but his mother caught him and she glared at him.

"Sorry," he muttered. "That's just really fat. Like wow, what's even in there?"

"I know, I haven't even made a dent in reading it all."

"Have you accepted it?" Ihe asked, looking back at her.

"No, not yet."

"Are you going to?"

"I don't know. If I do and win, I'll get a promotion and it'll be good for the company and everything."

Ash frowned. "Then what's stopping you?"

"You, Dai and Lucky."

Absolutely not. Ash refused to be the reason his mother couldn't get what she wanted in life.
"Why us three?"

"Because the case is an abroad case for three months minimum, and you all have a three-month exclusion, and what about the last month? How do I know you'll all go to school?" she said anxiously.

"Ma," Ash asked, gently. "How long do you hve until you give your decision?"

"Nine days starting tomorrow."

"Right, how about if we can show ourselves and you that we're capable of being left alone, will you go?"

"I don't know, hun. I don't feel comfortable leaving you three alone."

"Mum, trust us for once, okay?" he smiled at her.

"I'll think about it."

"Bye mum, rest."

"Bye, Ash."

Ash closed the bedroom door, and practically sprinted down the stairs.

The two boys turned to look at their friend who was out of breath, once again.

"We need to show mum that we're capable of being left alone and she might take a case in the netherlands for three months," Ash said, once he caught his breath back.

The three boys began talking about how they could come across as responsible when Cecilia appeared in the large archway of the lounge room.

"Come set up dishes in the kitchen, I'm making mac and cheese."

The three boys grumbled something, but one glare from Cecilia had them shutting up and following her, silently.

Cecilia, Dai and Lucky ate, Ash hadn't been hungry, so he worked on his coding giving his opinion here and there when he was listening to what they were talking about. Once they had all eaten and  were about to retreat to their rooms, Cecilia's voice interrupted them.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked, they turned and she had a smirk on her face as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Our room?" Lucky replied.

Cecilia laughed. "No, kiddos. We are going back ot he office?"

"What? Why?" Dai grumbled, and Cecilia once again, laughed like Dai had said the funniest thing ever.

"Oh, you silly little goose," she said, pinching his nose. "It's only one. We just had our lunch break."

The four of them clambered into Cecilia's car and on the drive back to the office, Ah's mind couldn't help but wander over to what he knew about Sebastian.

The CEO's Bad Boy {MalexMale}Where stories live. Discover now