F O R T Y - F I V E

Start from the beginning

"You're going to be a great mother."

I looked up to see Daniel standing in the doorway, as Brandon made his way over to greet his two children who were too entertained by the television to realize their loving father had arrived home. They were both dressed handsomely in black tuxedos, complete with the black bow tie.

Daniel made his way over behind the couch I was sitting on & my heart skipped a beat seeing him with a black bow tie perfectly placed around his neck, making me wonder why he refused to wear such an attractive suit in the first place when the look suited him flawlessly. A small smile sat comfortably on his lips as he reached the couch & leaned his upper body over the backrest. I could feel his warm presence behind me & his warm breath tickled my neck, sending tingles down my spine.

"Mmm! No. She's not even out of high school yet." Jade came hustling into the living room, replying to the statement Daniel had made earlier. One that I had forgotten about, once I saw him walk into the room wearing a tuxedo. The sparkles that embroidered her long elegant black gown catching the light as she swiftly made her way through the living room. She stopped in between Daniel & I...or more like in between Daniel & the couch I was sitting on.

"It was just a compliment! How did you even hear that?" Daniel asked, looking up at her with his eyes filled with bewilderment.

"She's got those mama ears, bro." Brandon spoke up from his spot on the carpet. He was laying on his back as Bennie & Jenny had now successfully deemed their father as their very own human couch. "Don't question it. Just -ah! - Not my face, kiddo. Just roll with it." He huffed as his daughter Jenny, placed her tiny hands on his face as she let out a high pitch squeal, finding this all very amusing at her young age. I giggled at her adorable actions.

"Your suit, Bran." Jade sighed as she watched her husband roll around on the carpeted floor in his neatly tailored tuxedo with his two toddlers.

"Hey you know what they say, pumpkin, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" Brandon flashed her a toothy grin as he lifted himself onto all fours & the two toddlers climbed onto his back.

"And he's the captain of the soccer team." Jade shook her head disapprovingly as she watched her husband play with her two young ones, yet a small smile tugging on her lips. "I'm going to go find the iron so we could fix your suit before the banquet, sweetheart." She told him as she made her way up the stairs.

"Alright! I am coming, my heart!" Brandon called after her as he struggled to follow Jade's path, as he was still on his hands & knees and Bennie & Jenny giggled as their father took them around the house on his back.

Daniel & I watched intently as Brandon ambled out of the room with his two children. As they reached the doorway, I noticed the many picture frames that adorned the entry way. Some would contain photos of just Bennie & Jenny & others of just Brandon & Jade, while the rest were memories of all four of them together with large grins adorning their faces. With all the loving photos placed throughout the house, it was clearly evident that family was very much so cherished in this home. The thought warmed my heart.

A comforting silence filled the room, once the three had left & Daniel made his way around to the front of the couch, now standing in front of me, & I averted my attention to the gorgeous man that stood before me & the handsome tuxedo he wore.

"Madison," His deep voice echoed. "you look stunning."

A smile crept onto my face as well as a blush on my cheeks at his compliment. "Thank you." I looked up at him from my seat. "I think if it was up to me, you'd wear that tux everyday."

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