2 - Drunken Overnight

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A/N: Hey, guys! So, here we are on the second chapter of Hansel and Jeremy's story. Thank you all so much for the warm support you gave for the premiere chapter! (σ≧▽≦)σ

Anyway, enough with all this mushy stuff. Enjoy reading, guys! Do vote and comment, loves. I wanna know what you think. >∇<)/ And please bear no mind if it's being nonsensical and redundant. ^^

With that being said,


- saphire


Jeremy's POV

I felt Hansel drag me towards his house and sat me on the couch. I was holding my head as it pounded harshly.

I saw him holding a glass of cold water in front of me and I glanced at him before taking the beverage and gulped it in one go, giving it back to him when I finished. I was thankful when the pounding lessen so I took the advantage to look at the two people who were standing by the entrance of the living room.

I hadn't even notice Hansel leave if he hadn't passed his parents, holding a plate of what looked like a cake. He put it down in front of me on the coffee table. Now that I was a bit sober, I internally groaned at the idiocy that had taken over me.

Why the hell did I come here?! Not to mention, I had just disturbed a peacefully sleeping neighborhood! I rubbed my temple as another headache peaked its appearance. I can't believe I went here drunk.

"If you're hungry, eat that." I heard Hansel's cold voice, snapping me from mentally reprimanding myself. I glanced at him and he was settled on a love seat on my right, tinkling on his phone, not once even looking my way.

My eyes went to the entrance of the room, expecting Hansel's parents to be there, but they were not so I turned my gaze towards the food that was sitting on top the coffee table. It was a mango graham cake and it looked really delicious, thus without having to be told twice, I devoured the food.

It really was delicious!

"Did your mom made this?" I asked after eating almost half of the dessert. Hansel just gave me a once over before looking back at his phone. The gesture made me a bit pissed, but I let it slide as I took another fork of the cake, holding back a moan of pure pleasure.

"You look like you're having an orgasm." My eyes snapped open and turned to my side to see Hansel smirking, although his eyes were glued on his phone.

I narrowed my eyes at him before placing the fork back on the plate. "Are you teasing me?" I asked, internally amused by the fact that Hansel was paying attention to me. "Why would I tease? I'm merely stating a fact. And please, don't act as if we're close." Hansel replied, internally crushing the tiny amusement I felt.

"What are you doing here anyway and drunk to boot?" And there it is, the million dollar question. I fiddled with my thumbs, away from Hansel's eyes, in nervousness. What should I answer? "You know what? Don't answer. In fact, after you finish eating, I'd like you to leave. You have already caused enough damage to last a week."

I'm not sure if I would be understanding, because let's face it, he does have a point or to be pissed that he's kicking me out, although that would still be justified with what he said. In other words, I have no option. We were quiet after I had finished the last of the cake and Hansel got up from his seat, took the plate from the table and went to the kitchen.

"I think you're sober enough, you can go home now." Hansel said, leaning by the stairs with his arms folded against his chest as he looked at me. "I don't have a ride home." I answered, holding his gaze. He just shrugged his shoulder and said, "not my problem."

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