OBSESSION III - A new beginning

Start from the beginning

"Come back!" he whispered with a cracked and husky voice.

I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks at the view of the scene in front of me. It was as if I could feel the indescribable pain mixed with so many other emotions: fear, despair, sorrow and an incredible love and devotion. Never have I felt so weak and powerless in front of such a tremendous pain.

My heart beats were making me feel dizzy and suffocated. I couldn't breathe anymore. The pressure on my chest was so great that I couldn't take it anymore.

Suddenly I felt a warm trembling hand on my shoulder, shaking me lightly. As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw it was the old lady who stood beside me in the airplane.

She was shaking me in an attempt to wake me up. As soon as I opened my eyes, trying to escape from the pain that my heart could still feel I saw the worried expression of the old woman in front of me.

My eyes quickly widen as I remembered the dream and where I was.

"Are you ok, my dear?" the old lady asked, looking to my face with worry.

"Yeah, I... I guess so," I answered in a mere whisper while trying to recover from the dream.

"What happened? You were crying so much," she finally informed me with a serious voice.

I slowly raised my hand pressing my long fingers against my wet face. I could still feel the hot tears slowly gathering in my eyes and threatening to roll down on my cheeks.

"I don't know. I guess it was a bad dream. That's all!" I whispered as if I was trying to convince myself that it was just a dream.

"Oh dear, do you want to tell me about it? Maybe it would make you feel better," she said, looking towards me with sadness in her eyes.

But, even if the old lady seemed really nice and caring, I felt like the dream was something so deep and personal that it couldn't be shared with a complete stranger, so I decided to lie to her.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't remember exactly what the dream was about," I finally informed her, smiling a little, reassuringly.

"That's alright dear! I just hope it doesn't happen again anytime soon," she finally stated with confidence in her words.

"Yeah, I hope that too! Thank you very much!" I said in a whisper, hoping that she didn't hear me.

Before we could say something else, the flight attendants spoke in the station.

"We shall be landing in a few minutes. Please put your seat belts on!" they continued, but my mind was running away towards the image of the young man and the dead girl in his arms.

Why did I dream him? Who are these people? And why did the dream felt so real? I asked myself without finding any logical answer.

A few minutes later the airplane finally landed on Charles de Gaulle airport, all the passengers quickly preparing themselves to get out of the plane. I was waiting for the other passengers to leave in order to take my luggage from the above compartment. After all I wasn't in a hurry. As I got up my eyes met the eyes of the mysterious young man again. He was looking towards me with an intense look in his eyes, like he knew me from somewhere and he wanted to talk to me. He continued to look into my eyes, his expression suddenly becoming an angry one as he continued to stare.

He seemed so angry and upset about something, his eyes scanning me again, making me feel a shiver run down my spine. I quickly looked around to see if there were other passengers in the airplane, but it seemed that we were the only ones left inside. His presence and the way he looked into my eyes made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe. I quickly got out of my seat, taking my luggage and quickly headed towards the exit of the airplane, without looking back to see if he was following me or not.

Obsession (Obsessive behavior) - UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now