Chapter 23 - Who Am I?

Start from the beginning

Amber: What are you doing?

Nina took Amber to a corner of the room.

Nina: Don’t you remember? He doesn’t knows you.

Amber: How could he ever…? Oh… that…

Nina: It was hard enough making him come with us, we practically forced him because of something that happened…

Amber: What happened?

Nina took Amber back with the rest of the group.

Nina: While we were in the library, they wind got stronger, and the lights went out. It was right after I hugged Fabian.

Patricia: What do you think it meant?

Eddie: Probably that the Chosen One, and the Beloved, are together again, and Senkhara can hurt them. We must keep Fabian safe, but we don’t know how.

Nina: For a start, leaving him here in your room. We need to hide him, mostly from Emily and the rest of the guys.

Fabian: From Emily? Why?

Nina: She lied to us all along, telling us you were ‘Lewis’ her boyfriend. Maybe she didn’t mean to, but she did after all.

Fabian whispered to himself.

Fabian: For protection.

He was confused though. Protection from who? Nina and the rest? Or Senkhara? Though, how would she know about Senkhara? It must have been because of Nina. He fell into the floor, merged in his thoughts. He didn’t know if trusting them, or Emily.

Nina: Fabian?

Fabian: How can I know if you’re all to be trusted?

Everyone was surprised by his question.

Eddie: Because we-

Fabian: I know you were in my past, my visions tell me that. But I don’t know you, I want to remember, but I can’t. Meanwhile, you’re for me a bunch of strangers kidnapping me. Show me why I’d trust you.

Nina was slightly hurt by his statement, but it was true after all. She looked at him for a minute, then headed upstairs to her room.

Amber: Where is she going?

Patricia: I think I know what she’s doing.

In a matter of time, she was back with a whole album of pictures, the same one Amber gave them the first year they met to fill in with ‘Fabina’ pictures. It ended up being just a personal album for Nina, Fabian thought still that it was a bit childish.

Nina: Here, here’s your proof.

Eddie knew they needed some time alone, and told Amber and Patricia with his eyes. They all left the room. Nina kneeled beside Fabian, who was now sitting in his own bed. He looked at every picture, slowly. He laughed at some pictures, stared at some others, and just enjoyed them all.

Fabian: Who is this?

Nina: She’s Joy, she’s an Anubis resident as well.

Fabian: What about her?

Nina: She’s Mara, she’s pretty smart like you.

Just when he asked that, Nina turned over to the last page of the album. It was both of them. The picture of the picnic they had for their anniversary, sometime before what happened with Senkhara.

Nina: This was… on our anniversary… we had a picnic. It was… before what Senkhara did to us.

Fabian touched the picture slowly, admiring it.

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