Chapter 47 - "But I suppose I didn't have Louis, did I?"

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“Are you sure you don’t want to come over for dinner?” Louis asked for about the one hundredth time, “No, of course not! It’s Christmas Eve! It’s meant to be a family time so go enjoy it with your family!” I told his with a laugh. Louis was still trying to convince me that it would be a great idea for me to go and celebrate Christmas with him and his family. But to be honest I really couldn’t do that. I would feel as if I was intruding to the highest.

Louis pouted at me. “Have you not had enough of me yet?” I asked reaching up on my tippy toes to put one of my books back on the shelf. I could feel his arms wrap around my waist, “Never,” he whispered. I rolled my eyes, “Well that’s pretty obvious, I’m fabulous like,”

“When did your sarcasm come back?” Louis asked resting his chin on my shoulder. “Ah it never went Boo,” I told him and stepped out of his embrace.

I looked up at the clock; it read 5:35pm. I told Louis that I’d break up with him if he didn’t spend Christmas Eve and day with his family. A bit extreme I know, but this kind of stuff needs to be done, he wanted to spend Christmas with me. As much as didn’t believe in family values, I wasn’t going to force my views on to Louis.

“But I don’t want you to be on your like,” he said looking down at the ground. “I’m not going to be,”

“Lysander doesn’t count,” he told me, “Of course Lysander counts,” I said with a laugh; Louis rolled his eyes at me. “Don’t you worry about me! Go spend time with your family before we have to go travel the world, we’ve got a concert in New York January 2nd and then it’s full into Where We Are rehearsals so this really is the one time you can spend with them.”

“Yeah I know, but you’ve had so many Christmas’ on your own, I don’t want this one to be the same,” he explained. “But Louis, you said it yourself, I’ve had many Christmas’ on my own, so there’s no reason for this one to be any different,” I said with a shrug and picked up more of my books from my couch.

The boys had chipped in and gotten me a massive bookshelf for my apartment as my Christmas present. I gave them clothes, it was a great deal. The bookcase though was exactly what I needed. I fit perfectly in the alcove of my sitting room. But the only thing that was wrong with the bookcase was transferring all of my books from the various piles around my apartment and putting them on the shelves.

“You’re actually making me feel so guilty…” he trailed off and sat down on the arm of the couch. “Don’t be, Louis, seriously go spend time with your family and I will see you Boxing Day,” I told him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He sighed, “Fine, okay, but have your phone on you,” he told me getting to his feet.

“You are not texting me the whole time you’re with your family,”

“Then come with me, June please,” he took my hands in his practically begging. I sighed, “Okay okay okay, dinner tomorrow, I’ll be there, but spend Christmas Eve and morning with your family, okay?” I asked. I’ve never seen Louis face light up so much or as fast as it did when I told him that sentence. “Seriously?” he asked, the excitement evident in his voice.

“Yes, okay, but run it past Jay,” I warned him. “She was the one that suggested it!” he told me. I sighed. “Okay give me a text and tell me what time, no go or those sisters of yours will have my head,” I told him and pushed him towards the door. “I’m going,” he said and pressed his lips against mine, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he grinned and walked down the corridor and out the front door.

I stood where I was and just listened, it was ridiculous how quiet the apartment was on my own. It was Christmas Eve, it was time to begin my yearly routine. It took me half an hour to finish stacking the bookcase. It was pretty scary how many novels I owned. I knelt down in front of my TV and looked through my DVDs until I found the one I was looking for.

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