Chapter One: First Day of School

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: BlueJay326

Isabella's mom shouted from down stairs, "Honey, do you have your backpack ready for school."

"Yeah I think so," Isabella replied.

"Get up. Your going to be late for the bus." Sluggishly, she got up and dressed in blue jeans, navy converses, and a star wars hoodie that Jaycee gave her for her birthday.

"My little girl is growing up," her mother exclaimed as Isabella descended from the wooden stairs.

"Mom stop. It's only the first day of 7th grade. Oh okay, now I get your point." Isabella's mom  walked over to Isabella with tears in her eyes giving her a big hug. "Okay mom, I love you to. Yep, uh yeah, I'm hungry... okay you can let go now. Can I eat my breakfast without you clinging onto me?" 

Letting go of her she replied,"Isabella, I am your mother! I can hung you whenever I want and for as long as I want, and yes you can have your breakfast." Looking at the clock, Isabella's mom saw that it was almost time for her to get on the bus. "Actually, you don't have time for breakfast. The bus is about to come." At the sound of this, Isabella grabbed a Pop-tart out of the cabinet and ran out the door down the gravel driveway, the rocks chrunching underneath her feet, all they way to the bus stop. 

As the bus arrived, she suddenly felt nervous. Nervous if  others would still notice her at school and if she would at least get A's and B's. "7th grade. That's a big step from preschool."  Once Isabella got into the bus, the bus driver, Mr. Johnny, was waiting to welcome her.

"Good morning," Mr. Johnny smiled.

"Good morning," she replied.

"Goodness. That's the first student who has said good morning back. When are you guys gonna get some manners," Mr. Johnny turned to the back of the bus.

"I have manners," an annoying boy named Mathias said.

"Mathias, don't say such crap. Everyone knows that you don't have any manners. Ladies am I right," Mr. Johnny laughed.

"Yeah," all of the girls replied, including Isabella. Before Mathias could say anything, the bus arrived at the school. Once Isabella got off, she looked at her schedule.

"Homeroom, homeroom, homeroom, oh! My homeroom is Perna," Isabella exclaimed, scanning her paper as she walked down the IB hallway. "Ah man. I don't have the same homeroom as Jaycee or Gabrielle. But I do have the same homeroom as Mathew," Isabella thought to herself remembering that her friends had told her there homerooms. As she walked into homeroom she saw a empty seat near her friend Pooja from last year. "Hey Pooja," she waved.

"Hi," Pooja smiled.

"Is today an A day or B day?"

"B day."

"Hi everybody. I'm your homeroom teacher Mrs. Perna. Your about to--" Mrs. Perna got cut off as the bell rang for class. "Go to class, right now. Have a good rest of your day!" Isabella's first block was math. Once she entered the room, she took a seat near the door and waited for Jaycee.

"Hi Jaycee," Isabella said when Jaycee walked in the classroom.


"Do you like Star Wars," a sudden voice came from the classroom office. "I know I do. I'm your math teacher Mr. Satink," the math teacher said while walking to the front of the room...holding a red lightsaber. He was tall, had a black beard and black hair.  "I know that last year in math, you guys did ALEKS. Get out your chrome books and log into ALEKS." ALEKS is a math program that assesises you and gives you topics that you had to complete. Once Isabella and Jaycee logged into ALEKS there was an assignment that had 20 questions. "You have the whole class period to work on this. If you do not finish, it is for homework." Once Isabella clicked on the first question, she had no clue what the math question was about. The math question read, what does mx +b=y mean?

"Jaycee, do you know how to do this," she inquired.

"No," Jaycee replied. "Just skip it." Isabella clicked the next question but did not understand that question ether. Eventually, they skipped all of the questions. Math was neither really their thing.

"Now what," Isabella asked Jaycee.

"Now, we listen to music on my chrome book. And I know the perfect song." Jaycee pulled up YouTube on another tab and searched up a song, and gave Isabella her headphones to share. The song that started playing was I'm a kitty Cat. Isabella and Jaycee couldn't stop laughing. The bell  soon rang for second period. When Isabella and Jaycee got up to leave Jaycee's water bottle had leaked all over the floor. 

"I'll go get some paper towels," Isabella said with a worried voice. "We are so going to be late for class." Meanwhile, Mathew was waiting for Jaycee outside of the classroom.

"Um... do you guys need help," Mathew asked.

"Yeah," Jaycee replied. Mathew came in and started helping Jaycee and Isabella clean up the water. When they finished Mathew pulled out his phone and looked at the time.

"Guys. We are like, twenty minutes late to class." At the sound of that, Jaycee and Isabella  speed walked to Spanish class leaving Mathew behind. When Jaycee got to Spanish class she realized that her backpack was soaking wet with water.

"Oh no. I'm going to call my mom so she can bring me a bag to put my stuff in," Jaycee exclaimed.

"Okay," Isabella replied. A couple minutes later Jaycee was called to the office. She took her wet backpack with her and came back with a fancy Marshals bag with all of her school binders in it. "A Marshals bag, seriously?"

"It's the only thing I could think of that could hold all of my stuff." Soon after it was time for third period. The rest of the day was pretty boring except for when Isabella saw Jaycee holding her new backpack over her shoulder like a purse. Now THAT, was a sight to see!

@The Kitty Cat Song

Dragon Hunters (UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें