Chapter 36: Turning Point

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        What could possibly be worse than death itself?

        'I... I can deal with it. Just tell me what the price is.'

        "Are you sure?" The voice asks. The ground was spinning closer and closer. If you didn't hurry, you would be a pancake on the ground. 'Yes! Hurry!'

        "Okay... The price is-"


        You yelp in pain. The demon wasn't done with you yet. It slammed it's huge body into your limp and falling one, sending you flying horizontal to the ground. You cough up blood. You weren't sure how much more of this you could take. Even you could only take so many hits.

        'The price!? What is it?!' You yell at your voice. "The price is half your lifespan. If you agree to the deal, I will take half of your life span." Your eyes widen. 'But... that's better than death... right? Why'd you say it was worse? Nevermind. I accept the deal. Just do what you have to do.'

        "Okay." A black light glowed from your abdomen. Although it wasn't a light, more of a... fog? The smoke takes form, forming into... yourself! "It's me.." You say. You weren't sure what to make of this. The other you flies underneath you, grabbing you. Demonic you flies away using wings that looked exactly like yours, other than being damaged. "That's it then? The deal has been made?" You ask yourself. The other you nods, not looking at you.

        Once both yous were pretty far away from the demon, who was a slow flier, the bad you that was holding the real you stops. (This is confusing to write... hope you guys can understand it! XP )

"Let me heal you." You watch in wonder as demon you heals your wounds. "The truth is... you know that seal Pein placed on you?" You nod. "That seal is me. I'm not actually real. If that seal gets destroyed, then I will vanish," Demon you explains. "Why are you telling me this?" You ask. You were now flying on your own, since your wounds were healed. "You deserve to know the full truth. The reason I said the deal was worse than death itself... well..."

        Your eyes widen in a sudden horror at what demon you says. "I'll... I'll... l-lo-lose..-"

        "Watch out!" Demon you quickly pushes you out of the way. The real demon had caught up with both of you, and was angrier than ever. You swallow. "I... I can't worry about that now. Let's just kill this thing... together." You say, pushing your earlier thoughts to the back of your head.

        Demon you nods. "Ready?" You nod in return. "Hell's Heavenly Wrath! Burning Light!" Both yous yell at the same time. White fire explodes all around you. The heat was so intense; it could have easily melted any kind of metal. You closed your eyes shut tightly, trying to block out the blinding light. You can faintly hear someone calling your name, but you pay them no attention. The light... was so bright...

        Then it was gone.

        You slowly open your eyes, taking in your surroundings. You were still in the sky, thankfully airborn. But the demon was no where in sight. The other you was looking at you, a trace of a smile on her lips. "We make a pretty good team, huh?" She asks. You nod, smiling. "Is... is it gone?" You ask. "Yeah. We won't see it again. It's burning in hell, where it belongs," She smirks.

        "Now... It's my turn to go... where I belong." You look at her confused. "What... where are you going?" Your eyes widen as you see her body slowly fading. "W-wait! Where..." You trail off, watching her fade more. "That attack removed your seal." You glance down at your exposed stomach - your clothes were very torn from the fight with the demon - to see that the mark was, indeed, gone. "And since the seal is gone... I'm going to be gone in a minute too."

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