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Chapter 15


A ray of light woke me up. Oh God. It feels like I've just been hit by a truck. From my head to my toe I felt paralyzed, everywhere was aching.

What was that putrid smell?

I look down at my body soon realising it was me. I sit up gazing around the whole room. My vision hasn't fully recovered, but I know for sure this isn't my apartment. Why am I here? Just then, a thought rushed into my mine which I instantly tried to brush off. Don't tell me I slept with a stranger?

I begin to notice the expensive furniture surrounding me. How did I end up at my mother's apartment?

Good Lord, she'll be so mad.

I shot up but tripping on my feet afterwards landing me on the bare floor. Maybe I can sneak out of here. I hear light footsteps approaching from the other direction I was. I instantly turned frozen.
The sounds became clearer as it became louder.

There was a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around. That hurt, my head was still killing me.

"We need to talk." I take it as it was my mother's voice. It was very stern and serious.

I try to pretend I didn't hear her by placing head black on the floor.

"Ava! Get up! This is serious." There was a difference between serious and angry and my mom was definitely angry. This can't be good.

I use my hands to help me up and position myself sitting down but instantly regretting doing so after I get a sting on my arm. I take it that it hasn't healed fully yet. She motions herself to a chair, sighing to herself.

"You've been—

I don't know. Off lately." She says, a worried expression on her face.

"Mom, can you just give me water please? This headache will be the death of me." She leaves the room, entering the kitchen.

I still have millions of questions to ask her, most likely she will have the same. I'm so disappointed in myself.

She comes back with a coffee mug saying 'Live life like a boss' with steam coming out of it.

"Here you go," she passes me the mug and sitting back down on the chair.

"If you're about to question me about last night I honestly don't know." I exchange a quick glance before taking a sip.

"How do you think you ended up here, Ava?" She crosses her arms.

"I must've walked here." I shrug, not thinking twice about it.

"Zayn brought you here."

I choke at her words and spitting out the water. "He didn't. Besides, he wasn't even there at the club."

"You said you don't remember anything from last night." She studies my face.

"I don't—but, I-I" I start to stammer. I'm not making sense at all. What's so bad about Zayn bringing me here anyways? At least I didn't end up in a stranger's bed.

"You're not off the hook yet, but for the love of God take a shower and change your clothes." She winces obviously affected by the stench.

I take one last sip then placing it on the coffee table.

I enter the bathroom, immediately getting hit with a pungent smell that stung my nostrils. It smelt so fresh.

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