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Song: James Arthur - Say you won't let go


We're on the plane back to NYC.

My mother got Zayn a decent solicitor which was a good friend of hers, leaving me and Zayn only to wonder what's going to happen next. If I'm going to lose him forever. My mother promised me if anything were to happen she will be on the first plane back, hopefully, nothing bad will happen. It be a miracle if it was just a fine. Taking it to court is another matter..

Me and Zayn carry our luggage and enter the airport, surprisingly it wasn't as busy as last time, so it was easier to get past. We both enter the cab and I directed it to my apartment just to put our items down.

"You okay?" Zayn asks dryly. "I should be asking you that." I murmer. He shines me a quick grin and I unlock the door of my apartment. "I didn't think I would be coming here for a while but I'm back." I sigh, dropping the bags on the floor. Zayn closes the door and walks up behind me then tightly hugging me. I can't help but blush.

He spins me around, gently kissing me on the lips. I can see his eyes sparkling, his face lighting up which made me so happy. "You're perfect Ava." He chuckles. I cup his face with two of my hands and pull his face onto mine, giving him another kiss.

I pull away and look at him, "I'm just going to change into my uniform." I say, smiling at him.

I gape my bedroom door wide open and I see my bed nicely made, ever so clean and the smell was still good. I open my closet, picking out my uniform. I throw it on not even looking in the mirror once. I exit my bedroom, walking up to Zayn.

"The solicitor should arrive outside the police station at 12:30" I say to Zayn. He nods and he holds my hand. "Let's go then." He says, letting out a big sigh. We both leave my apartment hand-in-hand then entering my car.

⌘  ⌘  ⌘

We were in my car watching and waiting for the solicitor to arrive. All what was going through my mind was, I hope I don't lose Zayn. If Mr. Smith was here things won't be easy.

I see a tall man wearing a grey 3-piece suit and a brown trench coat over it. He looked at his watch and started to look around. This must be the solicitor. I tap Zayn on his forearm and we get out the car.

We slowly walk up to him in a casual manner, "Hey. You must be Mr. Davis." I say smiling and shaking his hand. He nods and grins at both me and Zayn, Zayn doing the same.

Zayn and Mr. Davis enter the station me just shortly following behind. At the main desk was Mr. Smith with a sly, smug smile on his face. I wish I could've just wiped that smile of his face. Of course, he was waiting for this moment ever since he found out. There was always this tiny bit of rivalry between me and him but for him to go to great lengths to try and take someone precious off me. It's not even rivalry anymore, it's just out of pure hate. All of the other officers have dismissed the job that happened a month ago and left the case but Mr. Smith decided to pick it up again because of me.

"Finally." I can hear him mutter under his breath with a smug smile still on his face. He takes his hands out of his pocket and slipping out his cuffs. Zayn slowly turns to face me with a shocked expression on his face, I mouth him sorry hoping he'd understand. I walk up to Mr. Smith where he was trying to arrest Zayn.

"I'll take him." I snap back to Smith.

He softly chuckles to himself, "We need to take him for an interview first." He dryly speaks. Mr. Davis steps in, "I should be present too."

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