A taste of your own medicine

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Tempting The Alpha ~Chapter (9)~*A taste of your own medicine Part 1*~

Copyright 2012 ©

Dedicated to: laywertobe(:

 It's short but it's part 1(: I'm going to be upload part 2 tomorrwo!

Song on the side is just the song I was listening while writing it.(:


I found myself in a daze as I looked into those light blue eyes that looked like the clear blue sky on a summer day. They looked back at me and I faught the urge to give in and make the first move. He is the alpha, if he wants me he'll show me, I kept repeating in my head.

"Hey Destiny, did Patrick tell you about joining the..." Noe started to say but then stopped when he noticed Aby. Dude seriously?

"The party your going to have?" I asked uncertain. Noe nodded his head and then looked at Patrick.

"No, he didn't tell me." I said even though Patrick was right in front of us. Aby was again sitting in his lap like a freaking bunny! uh oh, I'm jelaous... yes, I admit I'm jelaous. Why? Because she's beautiful, and I'm well, me.

"Well, I think you should come to the pac-party." Noe said about to say pack. I nodded in my head and looked back up at Patrick who wasn't looking at me anymore. I sighed and streched my long legs out in front of me.

I saw from the corner of my eye that I caught Patricks's attention, along with most of the male population since we were sitting under a big oak tree. I raised a knee before going down on my elbows, letting my hair cascade down my shoulders. Noe saw what I was doing and smirked. His fingers went on the edge of my shirt, brushing my soft bare skin, making a small shiver pass through me. I faintly heard a growl escape Patrick's lips, making me smile. I smacked Noe's hand away making him chuckle, why did I have the feeling that everyone was starring at me? Pink colored my cheeks when I looked around to see that's exactly what they were doing.

"You look cute when you blush." Noe said letting his fingers brush my hot cheeks. What I felt in my stomach was nothing compared to what I get whenever I am around Patrick, still it felt nice someone said that to me, again.

"Hey Noe why don't you go get me a can of soda." Patrick told Noe using a bit of authority. "Abby would you go with him?" He asked her.

"Sure." She said confused as to why she has to go too. My heart started to beat faster from just thinking of being alone with him, the alpha, my mate.

When they were no longer visible Patrick started to talk, "Why are you doing this to me?" He said resting his arms on top of his knees.

"What exactly am I doing?" I said innocently.

Tempting The AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora