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"Wow. Sorry to interrupt. Excuse me." Zayn said, walking out of the room. Harry and I quickly got our clothes back on.

"Stay here." I said to Harry, chasing after Zayn who I could tell was beyond pissed off. "ZAYN STOP." I screamed, finally catching up to him. 

"NO HALEY. YOU STOP. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. I AM SO SICK OF YOU PLAYING GAMES WITH EVERYONE. I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS SHIT WITH YOU. YOU FUCK THINGS UP WITH EVERYONE AND ALL YOU DO IS HURT PEOPLE. I'M SO SICK OF IT. LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU'RE ACTUALLY READY TO TREAT SOMEONE LIKE A HUMAN BEING BECAUSE I'M DONE." He screamed at me, tears started to fill up in his eyes, and mine. "I never thought someone could be this much of a screw up, but I guess I was wrong." When he said that, i just started bawling. I knew this time I had really screwed up, big time. And this time, there was no fixing it.

"I'm so sorry Zayn." I said through my sobs.

"Are you really? Just because you're putting the water works on, doesn't make it true. Watch i'll forgive you, give you another chance, an you'll go behind my back and do this shit again. what part in your mind makes you think that doing this is okay?" Zayn asked me.

"I don't know. I'm just so confused with everything right now."

"THEN STOP PLAYING US BACK AND FORTH, HALEY. THAT ISN'T HELPING YOU OR ME OR HARRY AT ALL." He started to yell at me again, and to be honest i didn't blame him at all. i knew this time was the major time i had really fucked up, and i didn't even know where to begin to fix it. "Just tell me one thing." He told me, not making eye contact.


"Do you love me or Harry." He said, he didn't ask it he demanded it.

"I-I have no idea Zayn. You both mean so much to me an-"

"Well that doesn't give you the right to sleep with both of us and play us back and forth all the time." Zayn said, making his point very clear.

"I know, I know." 

"So you need to make up your mind, because i'm done playing these games with you Haley. If Harry wants to play these dumbass games with you, fine. but you need to find another player." He said, walking away. 

"So that's it, we're done." I asked him, still sobbing.

"When you can figure out what the hell you're doing here, then we can talk." He said, turning back for a quick second before leaving the house.

"That doesn't answer my question." I told him, trying to get myself together.

"Are you done playing us back and forth? Are you done telling me you have feeling for me and not meaning it? Are you done sleeping with Harry?" He asked me all these questions all at once, an there was only one answer that would please him.

"...No." I said bluntly. I saw his jaw clench.

"Yes. We're done." He said, opening the door and slamming it shut behind him. I took a deep breath, wondering what the hell i just did. I heard Harry come down the stairs, I took a seat in the kitchen, putting my head down and just trying to think. I felt his hand go up and down my back, with him trying to comfort me.

"Zayn is right. I am a fuck up. I fucked things up with you and him and everyone." I said, wiping away my tears.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Haley. You're young, you're just trying to see what interests you and what you want in your life and who will be there for you in the end of it all. You aren't a fuck up, you're human and you're going to make mistakes, just like everyone else. Zayn isn't perfect, 'm not perfect, you're not perfect, no one is perfect. Just because you don't know how you feel about someone, doesn't mean you completely fucked everything up. You are an amazing girl, Haley. You're just confused, and that's okay. I'll always be here for you, and so will Zayn, he just needs time to realize what happened and some time to cool off. I do love you Haley, and I know you don't know if you feel the same or not," Harry grabbed my hand and lifted my chin to look him in the eyes, "but I will do everything and anything in my power to prove to you that I do love you." He said, pecking me on the cheek.

"Thank you Harry. And i'm sorry for all of this. I'm sorry for jumping back and forth it's just you both mean so much to me an i love you both but I can't have you both and it sucks." I said, still  holding his hands. 

"You don't have to figure everything out right now. Just do you for now. Figure out who you are and what you want." He always gave the best advice, and i'm so glad that he was still here with me. 

"I honestly don;t know what i would do without you." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly, needing this hug more than anything.

"I'm not going anywhere, Haley." He whispered in my ear. I placed my head in the crease of his neck, and our embrace was interrupted by the loud sound of my phone getting a text. I let go of the hug, reaching into my pocket to grab my phone.

"It's Zayn." I said, my eyes getting wide.

"What did he say?"

"He wants me to come outside..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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