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"Harry?" I woke up, not knowing where he went, I sat up from the bed, the lower half of my body aching from the night before. Harry was no where to be found in my room. I got up from the bed, flinching from the pain i felt. I slipped on some slippers to avoid the cold floor, I trailed downstairs, tryin to sneak through the house and see if he was anywhere. No where. He was gone.

"cool." I said to myself, putting my hair up in a bun. I grabbed my phone that I left on the counter the night before, to see if there were any texts. None. I slammed my phone down, frustrated and hurt. He left nothing. I always tried my absolute best to try and find the bad in Harry, I didn't want to get hooked onto him to easily. The warning the other boys gave me put my walls up. I wasnt even goin to try to get a hold of him. If he wanted to play hard to get, so can I. 

I slowly made myself breakfast, checking the screen on my phone every once in a while seeing if Harry had replied to me. I burned through three sets of eggs. My mind was so crowded with thoughts, mainly negative thoughts but i just wanted at least a message from him. 

I was washing out the dishes when i heard my phone buzz. I dropped the plates and ran to my phone, unlocking it quickly and seeing who the message waas from.

Zayn: *Hey, whats up?*

I rolled my eyes and hunched over, lazily typing him back. I locked my phone and set it back down on the counter. My phone buzzed again, but this time it was a phone call. I saw that it was Zayn and answered it.

"Hello?" I said in irritation

"Just  woke up?" he said.

"Nope. Just not in a good mood." I told him, messing with the edge of the counter.

"Well, me and Niall are going to go run some errands, if you would like to join us?" Zayn offered, obviously getting ready to get into the car. I didn't want to accept, knowing Harry would get uoset, but where was he?

"Yeah, just give me a bit to get ready." I told him, tossing all the dishes into the sink for later.

"Is 15 minutes okay?" Zayn asked.


"Great, see you then." I hung up and sprinted upstairs to get ready.

**she gets ready into a super cute outfit**

I waked downstairs, slipping on my shoes and looking outside, making sure they weren't here yet. I went into the kitchen for a quick drink of water, still having Harry on my mind, I grabbed y phone off the counter, looking at my messages. This time there were two new messages, one from Zayn, and one from Harry. I looked at Zayn's first, telling me that he was going to be here in 5. I looked at Harrys next, taking a deep breath.

Harry: Not sure if your awake yet, but if you are then good morning love. xx

I read that message over and over again. Before I could over think anything, the doorbell rang. I shoved my phone on my back pocket and went to the door, opening it to Niall screaming at Zayn.

"I KNOW ZAYN GOD DAMN SHE HAS TO ANSWER THE DOOR." Niall screamed. He turned around and screamed when he saw me.

"Well hello to you too." I said, coming out and shutting the door behind me.

"Sorry, you scared the living hell out of me." Niall said. If anyone's accent was extremely hot, it was his. "Oh, you need your swimsuit, were going to stop by the pool for a bit first." Niall said.

"Ugh. Give me a second." I told him, going back into the house. He willingly followed in with me.

"Awww your house is so cute." He teased me.

"Why does everyone say that." I said, running up the stairs to get my swimsuit. I came downstairs to Niall snooping, so I decided to scare him.

"NIALL." I screamed. He jumped, slamming the drawer into his hand. He screamed and fell to the floor. I would have gone and helped him, but I was laughing to hard.

"ITS NOT FUNNY." He screamed, getting up and holding his hand.

"Okay okay im sorry, let me see it." I told him, walking over to him still laughing.

"No your mean." He said, turning away from me.

"Oh come on just let me see." I said, grabbing his arm and turning him around. He slowly took his hand off of his other hand and showing me the wound, or what he thought was one.

"Seriously." I looked at him, holding his hand and looking at the little red spot on his finger.

"IT REALLY HURT!" Niall screamed again.

"Your such a baby." I said, grabbing my phone and feeling it vibrate. I got 3 new text messages from  Harry and 2 missed calls from him.

"Whoah." I meant to whisper to myself.

"What happened?" Niall said, rubbing his hand.

"Nothing, It''s just Harry." I said texting him back while speaking.

"What about him?" Niall said, suddenly completely interested.

"Nothing bad. hes just trying to get ahold of me is all." I told him. I looked at him and he was worried.

"Me and Zayn are going to drop you off to him." Niall said, grabbing my arm and taking me to the door.

"What why?" I asked him, trying to hold back.

"Because he obviously needs you right now." Niall said, still dragging me.

"So?" I said.

"Haley, you don't understand. If you keep him waiting, or if he cant get a hold of you, he will get MORE than mad. YOU are his life right now, literally. I wouldn't keep him waiting or wondering, bad things will come from it. and if he finds out me and Zayn were with you, were both dead. We warned you..." Niall said, opening the door and practically throwing me outside.

"So i'm practically his slave?" I asked him, not moving from the porch.

"No... You his love slave." Niall told me.

I needed to get out of this, and fast.

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