Last Day

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I woke up to my phone buzzing and ringing under me. I quickly shot up from the feeling a noise, turning off my alarm. I rubbed my eyes, thinking about the night before and quickly looked over to me to see that Harry was no longer there. I took a deep breath and put my head between my legs. I checked my phone, to see if he left me a message. Nothing. I rolled my eyes and got up, walking to the kitchen and jumping to what I saw.

"You scared the shit out of me. I thought you left." I told him, trying to recollect my breath. He turned around and laughed.

"I wouldn't leave you. I just knew you had school today so I got up and made you something for the last day." He said, handing you a plate of breakfast.

"Harry, you didn't-" I tried to say, but he interrupted with a kiss.

"Good morning, love." He whispered onto your lips. I shivered at the feeling and looked down at a perfect plate of breakfast. I watched Harry's every move while he was putting all the dishes away. There had to be a catch to this. Someone this perfect could not have just fallen in love with me of all people in less than a day. There was no way. There had to be a secret, like he's not actually Harry styles and he's an old man, or this is all a bet to see who can get someone in bed first. I tried to expect the worst possible to come these next few days. I couldn't fall in love with him yet, it was too soon. I finished my breakfast, putting my dish in the sink.

"Ill take care of it, go get ready so I can take you to school." Harry said, taking my plate and motioning me to leave. I smiled at him, leaving the kitchen and going to get dressed.

*(she gets dressed blah blah blah)*

I came back downstairs to see Harry on the couch, looking through his phone. I grabbed my bag and my jacket, walking over to him.

"Read- whoah." He said, interrupting one word and slowly moving into the next.

"What?" I asked him, putting my jacket on.

"That top is... Quite revealing." He told me, standing up and helping me get my jacket on.

"It's a v-neck of course it is." I messed with him, but he was still tensed up.

"Hopefully no one else notices." He said, sternly. "Are we ready?" He asked me, pointing to the door. I slowly nodded, walking out and to his car. He unlocked it, oppening my door. We both got in and buckled up as he started the car and immediately turned off the radio. He still had a blank stare, like something bothered him. From him turning off the radio, I thought that was a sign to make a conversation.

"So how is-" he interrupted me again.

"Are there a lot of guys at your school?" He asked me in a low irritated voice, not moving.

"Well yeah, it's a college." I told him, starting to get a bit nervous.

"Are you trying to please them?" He asked me, looking at me with his hard eyes.

"What? No, this was the first thing I found. It's just a shirt." I told him, not understanding why he got so worked up.

"I know. But it got me horny, so I can only imagine what other sick fuck can be looking at you during your classes." He said with more irritation. I was shocked. I didn't even know what to say to him next. I looked down at my phone, pretending to look at something.

"Turn here." I quietly said as we came up to a street.

"I know." He said, easing his irritation. I went back to my phone, but thought for a minute... How did he know where I went to school? I ignored the thought as we pulled up and he unlocked my door.

"Text me when to pick you up." He said, not looking at me. I nodded, grabbing my bag and getting out of the car. Before I got out, he grabbed my wrist tightly, making me gasp from the pain.

"No goodbye kiss?" He asked me, his face completely blank and his eyes dark. I looked at him with wide eyes, and quickly pecked him before shutting the door to leave. I didn't know what was up with him, that conversation kind if scared me. I went into school and grabbed my books, going to my first class.

I could barely pay attention taking my tests, all I could think about was Harry's behavior today. Why he acted like that and what was going through his head and what he thought was going through mine. I know I was thinking way to much, so I tried to ignore the thought.

"Hey Haley." Ryan ran up to me, struggling to hold his books. Ryan has been my friend since high school and we got accepted to the same college, so we were pretty close.

"Oh, hey Ryan. How was the first test?" I asked him, watching him struggle.

"Hard as hell. You?" He asked.

"A lot is on my mind, that's all." I told him, looking down at the ground.

"Yeah, like dating Harry Styles?" He asked me. I looked at him shocked and he had this sassy look on his face.

"What?" I asked him, getting confused.

"Look." He took out his phone and showed me an article from twitter.

"What the fuck? That doesn't even look like me." I told him, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah. Apparently Harry's not allowed to date. This is my next class, ill see you later." He said, going unit his class. He was always up to date with any celebrity drama, no matter who it was about. I went to my last class and took my last test. Not only was my mind on Harry's actions, but now it was on what everyone else thought too. After my test I texted Harry, telling him to pick me up. I ran into Ryan again as I was walking to my locker.

"So how's life going for you?" He asked me, putting on his jacket as we walked out of school.

"It's been fine. I'm glad schooling is FINALLY over." I told him in relief.

"Me too. You have to text me sometime, we need to hang out more." Ryan said.

"Will do, ill text you tonight." I said, smiling at him and waving goodbye as I walked to Harry's car. I got in and buckled up, looking up to him and seeing his face. He looked beyond pissed.

"Everything okay?" I asked him, putting my bag down.

"Who was that." He said, not starting the car.

"Oh, he was just a friend." I told him.

"Really? Because it looked like you two were being a bit more than friendly." Harry snapped back at me. I smiled and tried to explain.

"You think this is funny? How would you feel if you saw me making googly eyes at some girl. There's obviously a connection between you two. I bet you hung out with him all day." He said, angrily starting the car. I leaned back in my seat, rolling my eyes.

"He's gay." I said bluntly. He paused, getting wide eyed. He slowly turned the key and grabbed the wheel, leaning back.

"...Oh." He simply said, driving out of the parking lot. I laughed at his reaction and looked down at my phone, which had reminded me of what Ryan told me.

"So everyone knows were together." I told him, looking at the article.

"I know. I told." He said, looking at me smirking. My heart stopped. The whole world knew that we were together. Every girl that is in love with him, was now crushed because of me. And it made it even worse because he was the one who confirmed it. "I want the world to know your mine. And that's a good way to do it." He replied to my silence. I nodded, wondering if I should take it as a sweet thing or be scared of what was going to come for me. I saw that Harry was taking a different way than the way I normally go to school.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"To my flat. Your meeting the boys." He demanded. A sudden rush of nerves came over me.

"This should be fun." I said.

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