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Zayn wanted to come with me, for some reason I think he wanted to get killed.

"You can leave if you want, completely avoid the situation." I offered him, going up to the front door.

"Im not going to leav you dealing with this on your own. It';s both our faults." Zayn said, walking up to the door with me. I took a deep breath, expecting the worst. He was going to be pissed. I wasn't sure who he was going to take it out on, but the worst he could do is leave me...

"HARRY??" I screamed walking into the house. I could tell Zayn was hesitant in coming inside, and I felt horrible.

"Yeah babe?" He called back from upstairs. I cringed at the name he gave me, knowing I was never going to hear it again.

"Can you come down here." I said in a softer tone. I heard him come out of the room and come down the stairs.

"What are you doing here." Harry stood at the top of the stairs, not moving.

"I... umm..." Zayn was speechless.

"He was driving me home." I shot in.

"From what? Why couldn't you call me?" Harry asked, coming down the stairs.

"I... was hanging out... with him. For a bit." I said, hesitantly. He clenched his fists, I could tell he was already getting pissed, just from us hanging out.

"What did you guys do?" Harry asked, starting to become cocky.

"Harry..." I began to say.

"Haley. What did you guys do." He said every word slowly with anger.

"We... just hung out." I told him, getting even more nervous.

"DONT FUCKING LIE TO ME HALEY. WHAT DID YOU DO." Harry started to raise his voice. I felt like my heart stopped. like what he just yelled was the death of me, and then I heard Zayn...

"WE MADE LOVE GOD DAMNIT." Zayn said, screaming. THAT killed me. I was afraid to look at Harrys expression. I slowly looked up, his eyes were locked on Zayn. I was scared to death. He looked like he was going to cry and kill him at the same time. Which knowing him, wouldn't be a problem.

"What." He softly said. I could tell it was mostly hurt in his voice, but also anger.

"Harry... I can-"

"Shut up. Grab your stuff." Harry said, just standing there, not giving me eye contact.

"What why-"

"GO GET YOUR DAMN STUFF. AND ZAYN GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE." Harry screamed, letting me see the black in his eyes. I've never pictured him like this, but it was happening. Zayn left raging and I went to grab my stuff. "Hurry up. Get your shoes on." Harry said, grabbing his jacket and car keys.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, being pulled as I was getting my jacket on.

"I need to show you something important." He said, putting me into his car and slamming the door shut. I wasn't sure if he was mad or upset with me, but I guess we were about to find out.

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