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We went through the bookstore into the apartment above, Lorenzo went to change into swim trunks. I stayed in the kitchen with his father who was leaning over a leather bound book with frayed pages. I didn't interrupt his reading and just leaned against the island waiting for Lorenzo.

"Ready?" He asked, not waiting for a response before pulling me from the counter. I stumbled behind him down the stairs and out the warehouse door.

Nick and Frank were sitting in the sand, they looked up at us and Nick walked over quickly,

"He's here," was all he said. I looked toward the water and saw the bulking figure over dressed for the beach. A group of smaller men were behind him as he found my eyes. I dipped them away and found Lorenzo's

"Why now?" He sighs and pulls me by my waist. I try to reach up and cover the purple marks across my throat. Lorenzo scoffs and yanks my hands down,

"He's already seen them, remember?" He says. I blush at the memory, and then an uneasy feeling sets in as I recall what happened after.

"Uncle Jimmy," Nick adresses him before crossing his arms across his chest.

"My boys," he says and smacks their shoulders with large hands, "and my lovely lady," he takes my hand and brings it to his lips. I cringe as the cigar stained lips press into my hand. I don't know how to address him, did I call him Uncle Jimmy? Was Uncle metaphorical or was he actually their uncle?

"What brings you to the beach Jimmy?" Lorenzo asks with his arms also crossed over his chest. I stand between the two mountainous men, a familiar and safe feeling.

"I have a thank you gift, I made over six thousand from Mr. Rankin last night." He holds out a hand to his goons. A large velvet box is placed in his hands.

Lorenzo and Nick tense and step closer to me, my shoulders pressing into their biceps. I try to step back but Lorenzo's hand is pressed firmly on my back faster than I can think about moving.

Jimmy steps forward and opens the box, the sun catches the huge stone and reflects into Nicks' eyes. He flinched away and grunted.

"Here's a gift, of my gratitude." He says. The necklace is beautiful, the blue stone at the center surrounded in silver metal and small diamonds. It continues around in narrowing chains.

"I don't think I can accept this," I exclaim. He removes the necklace and pushes Nick away from my side to move around my back. He slides the surprisingly light necklace over my collar and clasping the back. I reached up to touch the most expensive thing I would ever touch.

"I want you to have it, my wife already has one like this," he says and moves around to face me again.

"Thank you," I mumble. I hear Nick and Lorenzo sigh as Jimmy gets into the back of a black SUV with his goons.

"You stupid bitch," Nick says and grabs the necklace.

"Hey," Lorenzo says and steps between me and him, "let's not be so aggressive," he turns to face me, "How dumb are you?" He asks and takes off the necklace.

"What are you on about?" I ask, stepping away from the fuming men, smoke blowing out of their red faces.

"You just accepted a life debt! You could've done one night of service and been done with it, now you have to work for him forever!" Nick yelled. What? It was just a necklace..

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