Day Job

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I pulled him into me and let our lips collide. He kissed me hungrily, walking me back to press into the counter. I gasped but quickly returned to the kiss.

Mine, he had named me his before we even started this. I just named him handsome, his confidence made him more alluring.

"Seriously," he mumbled, pulling away from me. "We have to get ready, Nick is going to come here," he says and kisses my lips once more. He walks from the bathroom and I lay on the bed watching him pull on the tight jeans, they make me weak. He slides on the belt before snapping for me to get dressed. I sigh and roll off the bed, dropping the towel and sliding back into the shorts and tank top.

"Knock Knock," Nick says and pushes open Beau's door. Beau turns in a panic to see if I'm dressed, scratching his chest in relief. He pulls on the blue shirt quickly

"You couldn't wait one more minute," he says to Nick. He laughs before clapping a hand on Beau's back.

"I was hoping to catch you two in the act," he teases. "Looks like I almost did," he points at the hockey. I laugh and walk out behind them. Beau doesn't acknowledge his father as we leave, but Nick makes a point of going over and saying hello and goodbye.

We stepped two steps into the café before Beau and Nick's phones rang. They both answered at the same time.

"Jimmy," they looked at each other and hooked hands around my arms and pulled me out of the café. I was basically dragged to Nick's SUV while they both answered yes and no's on the phone. I climbed into the backseat and turned to ask them what was happening but the door slammed shut and the both stayed outside to finish the call. I couldn't hear through the thick windows, let alone see through the almost black tint. Soon they hopped into the front seats and were arguing.

"We don't have time!" Nick shouted, starting the car.

"Its five minutes up the road!" Beau said, his arms waving about furiously.

"If we're five minutes late he's gonna take our fingers!" Nick skid from the parking lot, causing Beau to give up and turn in his seat to face me.

"What going on?" I asked.

"We don't have time to explain," Nick said before Beau could open his mouth.

"Shut up!" He yelled to Nick, turning back to me, "Don't refuse anything he offers you, don't say anything first, don't look him directly in the eye, don't touch Nick or I, it's a sign of weakness." He climbed into the back and kneeled on the seat next to me, sorting through stuff in the back. I turned to look but he pushed me back to the seat.

"What's happening?" I ask again.

"Do you have any suit jackets or anything? If he sees us in this he's gonna kill us!" Beau pulls out a duffle bag from the back and sets it between us,

"Once he sees her it's gonna be close to over, in those shorts..." Nick says.

"I'm looking for something!" Beau shouts and hands me a hoodie. "Put that on," he says aggressively. I slide into the large blue hoodie, 'Nick' printed across the pocket in the front.

"Why?" I ask, picking at the frayed sleeves. Beau sighed loudly and tossed Nick a suit jacket. Nick put it on quickly while driving at warp speed.

Beau pulled on a leather jacket and kept sorting through the duffle bag. He pulled out a pair of blue sweats,

"Try these on," he says to me. I pull them over my legs and when I sit up a little bit they fall back down. "Dammit" he curses and pulls them off me quickly, I fall back against the door. He winces for me and kisses my cheek in an apology.

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