Chapter 1: Ice Queen

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Montgomery's was busy that night. Each of the white-clothed tables was dotted with couples, a buzz of chatter flittering over the room. I picked up the remaining wine glass off the corner table, then dropped it into my plastic bucket.

"Yo, busboy!" My roommate Lance called over from the other side of the restaurant. "Got another table that needs clearing!"

I hurried over across the restaurant, avoiding the stream of guests and waiters. Once I was there I swept the table clear, the plates and silverware clinking into the bucket.

"Yo, Thomas" Lance said, nudging my shoulder. He jammed a thumb behind his back, pointing at two girls that just sat down at a table. "What'd you say? You take the brunette, I take the blonde?"

"Lance, we're on duty," I said.

"Oh, come on man" he said. "If anything, flirting with guests will get us tips."

"It's also creepy and unprofessional."

"Fine, more sex and tips for me."

Lance ballooned over to the table. At that moment, I felt a tiny hand tap playfully at my shoulder.

"Hey, Thomas."

I turned to see Emily back from break. She was gleaming at me as she usually did, eyes glittering and grin stretched onto her blushing face.

"Sup, Emily."

"Mr. Albany needs two tables put together for a group, but I can't carry it to the other side of the room. Could you maybe help me?"

I glanced over at the table she was gesturing to. I put down the bucket, and rolled up my sleeves. Just across the room I could see Lance and the two pretty girls watching me.

My palms clasp on the edge, and I pushed. The damn thing moved an inch, then stuck in place. I tried again, already a bead of sweat running down my face. I felt like such a weakling. I finally gave up and stood up.

"Let me help you there, buddy" Lance placed his hands on the edge, and pushed the table with ease to the other wall next to the first. The veins bulged in his muscular, tan arms.

"Are you going to let Lance one up you like that?" Emily asked.

"I don't know how I could one up him," I said.

Emily pursed her lips, her eyes surveying my body and her hand squeezed at my bicep. Clearly checking for muscle she wouldn't find. I was a stick-figure drawing compared to Lance, who looked like a surfer with his blonde fringe, manly stubble, and muscles.

"So, Thomas," she said, nudging her hip into mine. "We have work off tomorrow, and I heard you were going to see that new space movie. Have anyone in mind you'd like to take with you?"

I could see what she was doing. Throwing little hints that she wanted me to ask her out. I never understood why girls did that. If she wanted to go out with me, why didn't she just ask me herself? I guess it didn't matter, because I would say no either way.

Emily was a nice girl. She and Lance both went to the same university as me, and we'd worked at Montgomery's together since freshman year. It had been clear since then that she liked me as more than a friend. But I just couldn't see her that way. She was friendly, and I guess what most guys would call hot. Long red hair, nice body, pretty smile. But there was just something about her that didn't click with me. Besides, I don't think I was quite the guy she wanted me to be. Nor the kind any girl would want.

I picked a wine glass off the table and stared at my reflection in it. I couldn't imagine I was the kind of guy that turned heads. I wasn't exactly the most attractive guy around. I was tall, awkwardly skinny, my face dotted with more acne than any cream could ever fix. My dark hair was curly in a way that was more cute than sexy.I wasn't athletic like most of the guys at my university, so I didn't have any muscle or physical strength for that matter. I didn't have any of the alpha male qualities girls seemed to like.

The Billionairess (The Billionairess, #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें