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"E-excuse me?" Mary asked. He felt relieved, and actually wanted to laugh at Gakupo's question. Gakupo tilted his head to the side and looked playfully at her now.

"It's a simple question, Darling. Are you, or are you not, a lesbian?" He asked again. Kaito could tell he was being serious. He told him no, of course, but Gakupo didn't seem satisfied.

"Really? Then why is it that Meiko says that you and my precious (y/n) have been getting frisky? Kissing, holding hands, making her moan... She's supposed to being doing that with ME!" He yelled at her and hit the wall with his hands. Kaito jumped and freed himself of Gakupo's entrapment. Kaito backed away slowly, not sure he would be any match for this powerful man. Gakupo matched each footstep, starting to laugh to himself.

"You know, I never would've thought that I would have to compete with a girl for (y/n). But... Oh well! I can't have a lesbian taking her away from me..." He snarled at Kaito. Kaito started to tear up and tried his best to reassure him.

"Gakupo, please! I am not a lesbian! What will it take for you to believe me? Meiko just misunderstood! (y/n) and I are friends, that's it. I only l-love you, Gakupo." He pleaded while trying not to gag. Gakupo paused and regarded her for a moment. He suddenly smirked.

"Prove it."

"Huh?" 'No. He can't mean what I think he means.'

"Come into my bedroom and prove to me how much you love me." Kaito couldn't believe what he just said. He was absolutely horrified. Not given a chance to run away, Gakupo grabbed his wrist and led him to his room.

"N-no! I'm not ready!" He pleaded. Gakupo didn't even care. He was going to turn this lesbian straight if it meant that she couldn't steal (y/n) away from him. He threw her on the bed and immediately straddled her hips. Feeling the boner grinding against him, Kaito thrashed hard and cried out. Even using his full strength, he still couldn't get Gakupo off of him. He held both of his arms above his head, and laughed down below to her.

"Are you ready to become a woman, Darling?" Kaito never stopped fighting, determined to not let this happen to him. Gakupo used one of his hands to steady her face to look up at him.

"I want you to look into my eyes when I do it." He whispered as he reached down to pull up his dress. Just before he did it, he felt a sharp pain in his back. He howled in agony, and fell on top of Kaito. Kaito tried to look over him, to find you with a katana in your hands. You had saved him! He pushed a crying Gakupo onto the floor and ran up to hug you.

"Oh, (y/n), you have no idea how grateful I am!" He tells you. You want to tell him how much you mean to him and that you needed to hurry, but a low chuckle seemed to emit from the collapsed vocaloid.

"Oh, dear. Please tell me my eyes have failed me. Please tell me that it was not my precious (y/n) that tried to harm me..." His chuckle turned sinister and worked its way into a low growl. Kaito and you couldn't believe it. Gakupo was back on his feet in a flash and had torn the katana out of his back. Purple blood flickered off of it and some landed on your face. He snickered at your frightened expression.

"Hehe, purple is a nice color on you. But perhaps... Maybe red would be better?" The open wound on his back stitched itself back together instantly, and he now looked more charged up than ever. Gakupo saw Kaito's hand go for the door, and he was already a step ahead of him. With a snap of his fingers, the girls busted in and quickly held you and Kaito down. You could see a purple aura glowing all around them, indicating that Gakupo was intensifying their strength. Kaito growled up at him, enraged that he wasn't able to do anything. You cried out to Kaito, reminding him that you will love him 'till the end. Gakupo quickly snapped his head to you and had a truly deranged look in his eyes now.

"Even now you still choose HIM over me?! I am superior to him in everyway, what does he possess that I don't?!" He gets on the floor close to Kaito's head and seizes his throat. He squeezes so hard that he can feel the blood racing in all his veins and arteries. You were crying so hard it was getting hard to see. Kaito starts to choke on blood, his hands desperate and trying to claw at his face.

"It's a shame..." Gakupo whispers calmly to him, " I wanted to take my time and hurt you lots, but I just can't stand to see my (y/n) looking at another man. Do me a favor and die already, huh?" He says with a laugh. Kaito shivers when looking into his insane eyes. He is able to push him away slightly, resulting in his grip loosening and Kaito gets another gulp of air. Gakupo sighs, but still playfully.

"Say, Kaito, you were never very good in anatomy were you? How about I give you a quick tutoring session?" In one impressive demonstration of strength, Gakupo is able to take his left arm and tear out Kaito's trachea. Your blood curdling screams would forever haunt the mansion.

"This hears the windpipe! It's how you get oxygen into your lungs... or at least it's how you used to. Oh, look! Here's another strange looking pipe thing!" Kaito was in true agony. Without being able to breathe, he would die in a matter of seconds, and each one feeling like eternity. Not being able to scream, swallow, having cool air hit the inside of your body, what a tortuous state to be in. His bloodshot eyes slowly rolled down to look at you. The remaining fluids he had tried to leak from his tortured blue eyes. His lips attempted to mouth 'look away', but Gakupo firmly covered his mouth with the other hand.

"Now, now, you have to raise your hand if you want to speak! Where were we? Oh yes, it seems I have a hold of your esophagus. Hmmm, I wonder how far it goes down?" He kept pulling down, as if he was unravelling a garden hose. Kaito's mind wailed and screeched incessantly, wanting the pain to end. With a final tug, all of his intestines came flying out. Gakupo looked amazed, like a curious kid in a candy store. You looked horrified, your poor and sweet Kaito, having to go through so much agony!

"Y-you! You sick, twisted FUCK! I hope you burn in HELL! I'm going to rip the eyes out of your skull and..." Meiko quickly covered your mouth in duck tape, not letting you insult her master any longer. Gakupo could only smirk at his beautiful darling now. He dropped the now lifeless Kaito to the ground and kicked him to the side. Rin and Miku held your face still while he came close to you. His eyes looked so dreamy and innocent, as if he had not just murdered someone in the cruelest way possible. He licked the tape covering your mouth, disgusting you. He laughed once more when he could hear your muffled insults. Then he sighed, looking at you sympathetically,

"I know, I know. You've been through so much already, Dear. But now, that filthy and wretched bastard can no longer defile your beautiful soul. That part's complete. All we need to do now is... purify you." Your eyes widen, not at all knowing what he has planned.

My Most Precious (Yandere Gakupo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now