The New Girl

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It had now been a little over a month since Gakupo kidnapped you and forced you to stay at the mansion. During those nights when he would cuddle and attempt to make love to you, you would push him away and remind him how he made you eat poor Gumi! You told him that you enjoyed the company of the other girls, so he promised not to kill any more of them. Sometimes you would think of Kaito, and wish he could kiss away your tears when you would cry all alone in your room. As the days went by, more and more girls joined the harem. Despite the fact that all of them longed for his attention, the only other girl he paid the most attention to besides you was Meiko. You caught on early that she was the ringleader of the rest of them. Any time you asked Gakupo if you could go exploring on your own, he always made her go with you to watch you. You had grown fond of her since staying here, and you gained a lot of her trust.

It was a sunny day outside, and Miku and Rin invited you outside to help garden with them.

"Daddy really loves these blue and purple roses!" Chimed Miku.

"I'm going to bring this one to Oniichan!" Squeaked Rin and she skipped off to find him. Luka soon joined you and Miku and placed a flower in your hair.

"You are very lucky to have won his affections. You are very beautiful, after all." She told you. You could sense a hint of sadness in her tone, as if she was jealous of you. You wished you could break the spell that imprisoned all of these girls, but you didn't know how. You smile warmly at her and thank her. Just then, the gates cried loudly while they opened. All of you looked up, because you knew it meant the arrival of another girl. She looked incredibly beautiful, you thought. She was tall, maybe about 5'11, and had beautiful golden curls. Her eyes were a lovely blue color, and almost seemed familiar to you. Meiko immediately came outside to greet the new lady.

"Are you lost?" She sniveled to her.

"N-no. I felt something bring me here. Like an invisible force that told me I belong here." She spoke so delicately. Her voice almost seemed forced. Meiko squinted at her, as if she didn't trust her for some reason, but allowed her to come in and shut the gates after her. She came over to you and the others, and politely bowed her head to you all.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." She said with such a kawaii look in her eyes. Miku and Luka took an instant liking to her, complimenting her hair and tallness. When she looked at you, however, her eyes almost seemed to tear up, like she hadn't seen you in a long time. You looked confused at her, you definitely hadn't met her before. She surprised everyone when she held you in her large embrace. You reluctantly held her back.

"(y/n), it's me. Kaito." She whispered. Your eyes widened, but you didn't make too much of a fuss. You didn't want his secret getting out. You held him back tightly, so glad to have your sweet and loving boyfriend in your embrace once again. Miku and Luka looked a little confused at you two, so you broke the hug and quickly explained.

"This is my good friend...Um, M-Mary. Mary and I have been best friends since middle school!" You lied. Luka looked a little skeptical at first, but Miku looked ecstatic.

"Oh, how cute! Childhood friends reunited! Isn't it sweet, Luka?" Luka sighed and agreed.

"Indeed, welcome to the family, Mary!" She said. Both you and Kaito internally exhaled, glad that his cover wasn't blown. Meiko broke up the little reunion with her assertive voice,

"Alright then, Mary. Gakupo will want to see you at once." She said and led the way for her to follow. Miku and Luka gladly got up and joined Meiko by her side.

"Are you ready, Mary-chan?" They asked. Kaito looked a little nervous, not sure how this would go. You grabbed his hand, and smiled to him, reassuring him that everything would be alright. He looked more relaxed and let the warmness from your palm calm his nerves.

My Most Precious (Yandere Gakupo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now