20: The Phoenix Wasn't Down, But In The End, Charlie Was... Literally

Start from the beginning

Scott's sudden gasping for breath had Charlie's hand lunging forward to grab Kira's arm. Noshiko and Liam's eyes widened as Kira's current flowed evenly into Scott and Charlie.

Charlie's eyes burned a brilliant orange and yellow fire as the beast inside him pushed to the surface. "Release him, Kitsune," Charlie growled.

Kira glanced at Charlie in surprise, her heart pounding furiously with anxiousness as she stared into Charlie's burning gaze.
She had never seen a gaze so fierce before now. Charlie's eyes had suddenly lit with a orange and yellow hue, practically spiting Kira's actions.

 Charlie's eyes had suddenly lit with a orange and yellow hue, practically spiting Kira's actions

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"Kira, calm your heart rate, too much fear will have bad results," Noshiko warned.

She couldn't blame her daughter though, the gaze of the boy sent chills down Noshiko's spine. The kind she rarely ever got.

Charlie suddenly gasped, eyes rolling to the back of his head as the current of electricity flowing from his grasp on Kira's arm finally shocked his heart. His release on Kira grew limp along with his body as he slumped to the floor, dead.. At least, close to it.

This was definitely not a part of the plan. But, Charlie would never admit it aloud, he hadn't fought hard against the Phoenixes desire to be released, he knew what it was going to do and it gave him an idea.

The Benefactor may come for visual confirmation on Scott, the true alpha, but the true alpha and the phoenix? That was something that would have the Benefactor practically tripping over their feet to see.

Or realizing that two of the most expensive creatures suddenly showing up dead may be too good to be true.

Kira's hand fell from above Scott, the two boys touched by her power remained still and Kira turned her head, seeing Liam and her mother hovering over Charlie. Her hand flew to her mouth as she rushed to Charlie's side.

"Oh, my God," she whispered. "What did I do?"

"It wasn't you," Noshiko told her daughter. "Why didn't anyone tell me this boy was a Phoenix?"

Liam and Kira's eyes widened as they looked up to the older woman, "What?"

Noshiko seemed surprised, "Neither of you knew?"

"He wasn't ready to tell us," Kira explained.

Noshiko looked back down to the boy, "He will be if he wakes."

"I-if?" Liam practically quaked.

"What do you mean, if? Mom, he's gonna wake up... right?" Kira whispered.

Noshiko glanced down at Charlie, grabbing his hand and turning it over to face palm up.

"What're you doing?" Kira asked.

Noshiko didn't answer, pulling a knife from her pocket and placing it to Charlie's palm. Kira and Liam's eyes widened as Noshiko suddenly sliced Charlie's open palm.

"Mom!" Kira cried out. "What're you doing?"

Everyone watched as Charlie's palm began to stitch itself back together. This was different than the wolves healing, this was more... Magical.

Charlie's abilities were so clearly demonstrated in this moment, the way his skin seemed to sizzle as it slowly pulled itself together, skin forming over the deep cut until there was nothing but a small hint of drying blood.

"W-what does that mean?" Liam asked softly.

"It means Charlie may just awaken after all," Noshiko answered, standing to her feet. "We have to go, we've wasted enough time as it is."

"Well, what about Charlie?" Kira wondered as her and Liam stood to their feet.

"We call the police for Scott, and drive Charlie ourselves," she said, gathering her things. "We can't have people suspicious of us."

"Who's gonna make the call?" Liam wondered.

"I will," Noshiko said. "You two get Charlie to the car while I call the police. I'll claim I was a concerned neighbor that heard an odd noise while I was out, and then we leave when the calls done."

"You're oddly calm about this," Kira said as her mother dialed 9-1-1.

"Kira, go," her mother spoke. "We don't have much time."

Kira nodded, looking to Liam to seen him already holding Charlie. Kira let out a stressed breath as she ushered Liam out to her mothers car. Liam grunted as he readjusted Charlie, "He's heavier than he looks," he told Kira.

"Well, he's just dead weight, so.." Kira trailed off, not meaning to sound so nervous, and also not meaning for the sudden pun. "He-he'll be fine, I'm sure he'll be just.. just fine."

Liam nodded, carefully tossing Charlie's body into the back. He winced as he saw Charlie's head knock against the opposite door. Kira let out a stressed breath.

"What about his aunt?" She worried. "Charlie was just at their house earlier today for dinner before he came over. She's gonna know something's not right when he doesn't come home."

"I'm more worried about Malia," Liam gulped.

Kira's eyes widened, "Oh, God," she gasped. "I'm so dead."

"No, you're not, because the werecoyote's not gonna find out," Noshiko said as she glided to the driver's side door. "Get in the car, quick."

Kira and Liam quickly threw themselves into the car, focusing on Mrs. Yukimura as she spoke, "We are going to drive Charlie to the hospital and give him to the nurses and doctors, and then, while everyone is distracted, we're going to slip away and avoid questioning."

There was a tense silence as Kira, and Liam sat in the back with Charlie's body, only the humming of the car as Mrs. Yukimura sped down the street at a speed that, if ever caught, would have her skipping a ticket and going straight to traffic school.

"This wasn't supposed to happen," Kira whispered to herself as she looked to Charlie's face. "This is all my fault."

"No time for blame," her mother said, pulling up in front of the emergency wing of the hospital, "we're here."



Hello, everyone!

I finally got an update out due to me not being able to update my teen ending.

I really hope you guys like it and don't forget to leave a vote and a comment in memory of you reading this chapter!

Hope you guys have a great rest of your day or night, love you!

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