Love At First Sight

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"As soon as I look up, his eyes click onto my face. The breath whooshes out of my body and everything freezes for a second, as though I'm looking at him through my camera lens, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the opening and closing of the shutter."
-Lauren Oliver

Chapter 6

As we round the corner in the auditorium, that's when I see him. Out of all the people in the movie theater my eyes lock onto him. He doesn't look at me, but I see him. Instantly, I feel self conscious about everything about me, about my hair, my outfit, my makeup. Quickly, realizing what I'm doing, I scold myself, why was I doing this, a) he's never going to notice I exist b) even if he did he wouldn't want to know me and c) I just got out of a relationship with a guy who broke my heart, I don't need another a guy, another heartbreak this soon.

Ethan leads the way, I assume he sees his friends. We draw closer to the guy, with each step. Then, Ethan completely takes me by surprise when he turns down the aisle, that said guy, is in and sits next to him. "Hey!" Ethan greets all the guys, "oh and this is Emily."

They all look at me with smiles plastered to their faces, I wasn't sure why though. I mumble a "hi" back with a small wave. After that, Ethan and the boys start talking about whatever it is that boys talk about. I sink into the plush movie theater chair. I stare straight ahead, then I stare at my phone.

Right as the lights started to dim, and the theater went quiet, I sneak one look over at the guy who had captured my attention when I first walked in. He was busy eating his Sour Patch Watermelons and staring intently at the screen. He probably didn't even realize I was there, probably didn't even spare me a second look. And for some reason just the thought of that made my heart sink a little, and I wasn't sure why.

The first preview started, instantly I knew it was a preview for a scary movie. I do not do scary movies, whatsoever, so I look down at my feet, as to not get nightmares later. The theater grew quiet, I knew something was about to pop out, that's what always happens in horror movies.

Just like I predicted, something popped out, but evidently, said guy, didn't realize it. From my peripheral vision I watch him jump up, his Sour Patch Watermelon candy go flying all over Ethan and Luke, and he let out a little scream.

Before I knew what I was doing, I felt myself laugh. Not a forced laugh or a sarcastic laugh like I had been doing for the past several days, but a real, good laugh. This guy, who I didn't know at all, just made me laugh. Ethan, hearing my laughter, gives me a weird look knowing I hadn't laughed in a while either, and I was one to always be laughing.

Luke calls out, "Really, you just spilled your candy all over me!"

"Sorry dude." the guy replies, sitting back down clearly embarrassed.

I smirk to myself, and cast the guy another look.

Maybe going out tonight isn't so bad.


After a good two hours full of laughing, I really had laughed till my stomach hurt. Ethan and I walk out of the movie following the guys, they were all laughing and joking around. As we walked outside I look around, I didn't see the cute guy, which somewhat disappointed me.

Quickly, again, I scold myself, who cares if he's cute, he probably already has a girlfriend and again, he'd NEVER EVER be interested in you.

"So, what'd you think? Glad you came?" Ethan asks, as we walk to the car.

"Yeah, that was really funny movie," I smile, then before I could stop myself I blurt out, "who was the guy sitting next to you?"

Ethan casts me a sideways glance before saying anything, "His name is Nick, why?"

"Oh, he was cute," I say nonchalantly.

"What about the guy next to him?" Ethan asks.

"Who? Luke? Yeah, he's pretty cute."

Ethan lets out a tired laugh, "No, I was talking about me."

"Oh." Was all I manage to say, I just didn't find Ethan attractive, at least not to me. Personality wise he is amazing and great, but I wasn't attracted to him at all. It's not that he was ugly, he just wasn't attractive or cute either.

We fall into an uncomfortable silence as he drives me home. I thank him for the ride and hop out.

"Hey, how was the movie?" my mom calls out as I walk inside the house.

"Hilarious, but I'm tired. So goodnight!" I rush up the stairs not waiting for a reply.

Just as I crawl into bed, I look at my phone and that's when I saw I had a Facebook message from a guy name Nick. Who the hell is that? Probably some scam thing.

I go ahead and open the message anyways.

Hey its nick from the movie, you enjoy it?

That's when it clicked, this was The Nick, the cute guy who I had seen. He messaged me! My heart did a little flip.

Hey, yeah! It was so funny, so did you actually eat your candy or did you end up tossing more of it?

I message back. A few seconds later he replies with:

I ended up tossing it away so i guess same thing

I guess so, so are you not a big scary movie fan then?

Im not a big fan

I can tell, neither am I

I get scared a little to easily

Not gonna lie so do I. I wouldn't be surprised if those previews gave me nightmares tonight and I wasn't even watching them

Haha i feel you can i ask you a question

I never have a chance to reply, but for the first time in what seems like forever, I drift off to sleep, with a smile plastered to my face.

Waiting for Supermanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें