It's unnecessary to say I don't like it. Especially knowing all this is what Nico came up with, and not Percy, who is the only one that should have a say in this matter.

Well since he doesn't, I'd like to contribute to the plan.

"Can I speak alone with Percy for a second?" I say. Since nobody objects, I stand up and head towards the living room, careful not to disturb Percy's pet, and I wait for him to find his way in after me.

"What the hell are you thinking? No, wait. Are you thinking at all?" I begin loudly, still not quite yelling, but I'm sure we'll get there soon enough.

"Fay, you know I need to do this".

"The thing is, I don't. I know nothing about the prophecy, except the fact that it's closely tied to your sixteenth birthday. Do you really have to fight this war like this?" I still can't believe how little informed I am. This is not my burden to bear but I'm not just anyone. I'm the sister of a person that is now very likely to get killed.

"I really think that Nico's idea is the best option I have" he says. Unbelievable.

"Nico's idea? Nico's idea? What, now you're incapable of making your own decisions?" Now I am yelling. I'm pretty sure that the rest of our friends in the kitchen can hear me despite somewhat thick walls and Mrs. O'Leary's fur.

"He suggested it, I had time to think about it and I honestly think that's the only way I stand a chance against Chronos". Percy's voice is trying to calm down mine but we both know that is not going to happen.

"You should be calling the shots here. And how long have you known about it exactly? When did he make a suggestion?" I ask.

"Last year, when he came to my birthday". Things are always escalating around Percy's birthdays.

"Last year?" I yell, rising my eyebrows. "I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill him".

"Killing a son of Hades might just not be the best idea right now".

"What about the prophecy? Do you know what it says?"

I think I have an out-of-body experience because I imagine Percy cautiously whispering the words to me and my reaction from the perspective of those in the kitchen.

"What?" I hear myself yelling through the walls with ears of my friends and Percy's parents. "How long have you known about this?"

"For about twelve hours".

Okay, that's not that bad. Unless...

"Did anyone else know about this before?"

Percy looks at me, desperate. He knows I will demand to know everything and he also knows that the more he tells me, the more people I'll end up being pissed at. And maybe attempt to injure, just to remind them of it.

"Annabeth, Thalia. Chiron" he says. Well this is just getting better every second.

"Did anyone, anyone at all, care to mention anything important to me for the past four years?" I missed everything. The fact that I have a brother. The fact that I have another one. Some of Percy's missions. A prophecy. I missed a prophecy. Life can be sarcasm. I can hear the gods laughing directly to my face.

Percy still looks desperate to calms me at least a tiny bit. This seems like a regular fight, but it's much more than that, given that someone is possibly destined to die.

"Because they thought for years that the prophecy was about you, and when it turned out to be Thalia or me, and after that definitely me, they thought it was unsafe for you to know because you might've told me before it was necessary".

"It was absolutely necessary for you to know right from the start".

"I wouldn't want to have known for years that I am going to die".

That's how you silence a sister.

"You are not going to die" I whisper, suddenly interested in the vans on my feet.

"How do you think that can happen?" he asks, confused but relieved that I'm not my bitchy self anymore.

"It's a prophecy. It's relative".

"Fay, it says the hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap. It doesn't precisely leave much space for interpretation". He rarely calls me by my name. Now he's done it twice so far.

"You are not going to die" I repeat, rising my head and looking directly at his eyes, piercing them with a decisive and definite stare. Formal, just like his 'Fay'. I'm not trying to be evil, I'm just compassionate with his formalities -- that's his way of making this less personal, making a barrier between him and the war hanging in the air.

"Do you know anyone who survived the prediction of their death?"

"People whose backs I have. They survive predictions of their deaths" I say, not believing entirely in my own words. Usually I just get lucky. But this is Percy we're talking about. There is going to be a lot more effort than normally.

He stares at me for a second. It's obvious that we're done here. We've both made our points and discussing probabilities of both our ways being right is inappropriate.

I step back, facing Mrs. O'Leary and bumping into Nico DiAngelo in my attempt to leave the room.

"It's time" he says.

"So we go to the Underworld again" I declare, remembering the first time having a chat with Nico's pops. I didn't know him back then and I didn't have much fun down there.

"Fay, you're not going" Nico informs me. "Neither is Jared or any of your new friends".

"Why?" I ask, starting to get pissed again. It's funny how every time I get pissed, Nico DiAngelo is involved. Shame. I like him. He's a good boy. He just has a death wish all the time. Death is in his bones, literally.

"We don't need you". Oh. It's we. "Percy is going to take a bath in the river Styx and I am going to guide him through the process because I know how to do it. Besides, you need to get some rest. The world needs you at your best".

"You know, it's really ironic when you say it" I say, taking a long look at him. He looks undead, like he never slept in his entire life. Nico blows me a kiss.

"At least try" Percy jumps in. "You can stay here, as well as the others".

I don't think Sally and Paul would like that.

"I can't just stay here. It's bad enough that I jumped in, in the middle of the night, bringing four complete strangers to your parents' place". All the people I'm mentioning are standing right here.

"If you prevent the end of the world, you can all move in" Paul suggests and I can see that Sally doesn't completely agree with that offer, though she seems not to mind this intrusion. The circumstances are odd, if we were to understate the situation.

"Fay, you are always welcome to stay" she adds.

"And we can meet as soon as I'm done" Percy says. "Let's say, Olympus in five hours?"

I don't think I have any other option. I can argue but all I'll do is wake Percy's precious time. He's already made up his mind and we're exactly the same when it comes to crucial decisions. I'll have to stay here and wait these five hours whether I want it or not now.

I nod, avoiding his gaze, evidently unsatisfied. But I can't go against my own statements -- Percy is calling the shots here, even if he chooses not to take my advice.

He turns to Nico and Mrs. O'Leary, ready to go, but I stop him and hug him, trying not to make feel like goodbye. If we're dying, it better be in a few days, fighting side by side.

My brother disappears with his pet and the Ghost King in a vortex of shadows and the void fills the Jacksons' living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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