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Reader of the week: @blahblahgoodaye !


Nate and I sat down in my dad's office for all of 45 minutes reading Artura's letters to Marco and just reading about how fine and ALIVE she was, she was alive. I was pissed but even I understood why she'd done what she did, we didn't have the first letter to explain why she'd left but I knew. No one knew for sure where Isabella was, so of course going into hiding was the best option for her.

I keep thinking about how she could've told us, but that could've put all of us in danger especially her, so yes  was mad at the situation but I wasn't mad at Artura because I knew that she was just trying to protect us and it was what she thought was right, I just didn't understand what my dad had to do with this.

"Hey, Danny listen to this." Nate said.

" Sometimes I want to be an impossible girl, but I know who I am, small on the outside but when I open up it's like I'm way bigger on the inside, so I am easily attached to silly things like bowties, or getting tattoos on a whim, maybe even saving people who don't realize they need to be saved,  I feel as though I am being a Noble friend to you all by being away, but sometimes I feel like I'm planets away." he read from one of the letters.

" She capitalized the "N" in Noble. Do you think it means anything?" He asked.

"It could mean that she was rushing and thought she was writing a name instead of  an adjective." I said reading over he letter that was in my hand.

I wouldn't deny that some of the things that Artura wrote were kind of off, like she was speaking in riddles.

" Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe but like I have way too much oxygen at the same like I've been locked out of my car but it's running and emitting dangerous fumes, but I'm out in the open."

"  You can go onto find love, being who you are, I will always have to hide my soul in different bodies, and when people get used to me I'll regenerate and maybe when  the weight of 12 different bodies has hit me, I'll  be at peace."

But right now I just I had a lot on my mind and sitting in my dead dad's office finding out through secret letters that my dead nest friend had actually been alive all of the 5 years I thought she as dead was too much for me, so I grabbed a box and stuffed all of the letter read and unread inside of it and carried it into the kitchen sitting it on the table.

"Let's just focus on what we came down here to do." I said to Nate.

It took us an extra 2 hours to finish cleaning out my dad's office and when we were doe we were sure to check the drawers for any extra letters from Artura but we didn't come up with anything else, so I locked up the office and left the keys sitting on the kitchen counter. I grabbed the box and started towards the stairs, I was halfway to my room when I noticed that Nate wasn't following me, I sat the box down in the hallway and wen back downstairs finding him sitting on the edge of my couch, crying into his palms.

" Nate, what's wrong?" I asked.

Nate looked up at me like I had just asked him the stupidest question  the face of the earth and then wiped his hands on his pants.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me? I just found out that my best friend, whom I buried 5 years ago is alive and well. I don't know whether to be monumentally pissed or really excited because on the one hand she lied to us all and made us think that she died but on the other hand she's alive and still trying to protect us all. I'm trying to balance my emotions and the only thing that can suffice as a scale right now is my tears." He said wiping his tears away wit his thumb.

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