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Reader of the Week is @BobzBurgerz , thanks for showing love!


I felt Nate looking at me, but I couldn't look at him, I didn't want to, I felt like if I looked at him then I wouldn't be able to stop.

I loved Nate, I never sopped loving him but, he used me being at school as an excuse to cheat on me, with Brittany of all people and I just couldn't stomach it, I  feel like I wasted do much time trying to shoe him that he had me and that I loved him and that I was there for him and he repaid me  by cheating.

" Danny, you don't understand." He said.

I scoffed and put my keys back into the ignition, starting my car and he grabbed my hand. I snatched away from him and he took the keys.

"Give me my keys and get out of my car." I said with my hand out.

"Danny he's not mine, Brittany- you know how Brittany was, its the way she still is, she got pregnant after we decided to stop and got a paternity test after she had the baby. She  is living with the kid's father in Jersey, us having sex was a huge mistake and I know that. I understand that it was a cowardly thing to do but like I said you don't understand, all of that happened while I was living with my dad, under his roof." He said.

"Why do you keep saying that I don't understand?" I asked annoyed but slightly relieved that Brittany's son wasn't Nate's.

"Because your dad accepted you, your entire family accepted you, you had friends that accepted you and all I had was you and Artura, then Artura died and you left for college, then I had no one. My dad beat me so bad after you left that he broke my arm, but I told you a lie about it that I don't even remember, I didn't have anywhere to go and don't say that your dad would have taken me in because that's not his job, he is your dad not mine." He said.

We sat there quiet for a few minutes he looked at me, waiting for me to rrspond but I just starrd out the window, he gave me the keys back and got out.

I didn't know if I should've have gotten out and went after him or stay there, I wanted to go after him and stop him but my pride had me paralyzed from the waist down, so I just watched him walk through the playground and disappear beyond the streetlights.

This was breaking my heart all over again, because I knew that he had gotten out of my car because he knew I didn't believe him, but I knew he was telling the truth, that was a pro and a con of falling in love with Nate, I knew just by the tone of his voice if he was lying, but its still the matter of the fact that he cheated on me.

I wasn't going to lie to myself and say that in recent light of everything, I didn't want him back , but the truth of the situation was, he couldn't have me back until he proved himself  to me and showed me that he was trustworthy.

There were no phone calls or text messages from Nate the whole way home, my car was filled with silence that I hadn't even realized was there because my mind was so crowded, overcrowded really.

I pushed my key into the bottom lock and before I even got into the house I saw the suitcases through the stained glass on the door, this made me unlock the door faster . When I got inside I inspected the baggage and noticed that they belonged to a woman, I searched every room of the house but I was the only one here, so where did this luggage come from?

I just let it go and walked into the kitchen and sat my phone on the counter, and went to warm up some of the leftovers from the funeral, as the food was going in the microwave I went into the living room and tried to find a movie to watch while I ate. From where I stood I could hear my phone ringing, but I wasn't going to walk into that kitchen until I heard the  sound of the microwave which came soon after.

Book 2: Finding ValentinaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora