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"Hey, wake up."

I felt my shoulder being shook, but still didn't budge because I was dead tired. He stop shaking my shoulders and I snuggled into my bed, that is until I was almost blinded by sunlight as the curtains were harshly pulled apart, I threw my blanket over my head, only to have the whole blanket snatched from my body.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I asked staring at him, agitated.

"Nope." He said with a smile before jumping onto my bed and bouncing like a child.

"Please stop." I said as he bounced.

"Are you gonna get up?" He asked still bouncing.

"No." I replied.

He suddenly stopped and kneeled on top of me.

"Are you that tired? C'mon, out of bed." He said.

"You get out of bed and leave me alone.''

He got up and stood to the side of my bed, staring at me, then he looked at his watch and sighed.

"Artura, get up you have a 2 pm and it's already 12:30, you know there's a delay in the city and you have to be at the bus stop an hour early, if you want to make it on time." Luca said walking towards the closet.

"Class is cancelled today, because of the traffic, that's why I'm still asleep." I turned over and pulled the blanket back over my head and dozed back off.

"Artie, c'mon out of bed, just because you're out of class doesn't mean that you can wag off all day." he said pulling the blanket back.

But this time I tugged back and we were playing tug of war with my blanket until I got fed up and let go of the blanket and tossing  pillow at him, when it hit him I immediately regretted my decision, even more when I saw the look on his face.

He leaped forward but I had already rolled off the bed and onto the floor.

"Artura, don't make me chase you." He said, I heard his feet coming to the other side of the bed and I quickly slid under the bed.

"Leave me alone, Luca." I said.

"Get from under the bed, now." he demanded.

"No." I said.

" Alright." He said and then I felt his hand wrap around my ankle, I tried to kick him off but he pulled me from under the bed and threw me over his shoulder.

"No! Put me down, I don't want to do this!" I yelled but he ignored me and carried me down the hall.

"You know there are consequences to your actions  Artura, now face them and stop your whining." He said sitting me down in the kitchen.

"Fine, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked.

This was part of an agreement that Luca and I had, since we'd started living together, whenever I got aggressive with him, I had to cook for him, because he wouldn't put his hands on me so this was the only thin that partially benefit him while annoying me, because even though I could cook, I hated it.

Luca opened his imaginary menu and held  up his finger like he was having a hard time deciding what to choose.

"The scallops, what comes with those?" he asked.

"Potatoes, that we don't have." I responded.



"Crème Brule?"

"Only on holidays."

"What kind of restaurant is this, then?" He asked.

Book 2: Finding ValentinaWhere stories live. Discover now