Bad Guy 2

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"Calm down." 

 He walked as fast as he could into the house, he needed to be secluded and he needed to be alone right now, I shouldn't have done let him goes as fa as he did because unlike Tony, whenever Danny hurt someone it took a toll on him mentally.

"Marco. I just need to be left alone right now, I lost control and reacted off of impulse and I feel bad, right or wrong I feel like shit." He said as he unlocked the front door.

"Danny, at least they got Cole, and we can bring Artura home." I said.

"That's if his parents don't buy his way out, like they do every other time." Danny replied.

That was one thing that I didn't think about, Cole's parents were both lawyers and great lawyers at that, but honestly not even Cole's dad would represent him, with an attempted murder charge and all the evidence that i had against him and a witness, the woman who he was an accomplice to, Isabella.

I threw my keys into the key dish, walking into the living room, I heard Danny close his door and I sat down rubbing my hands through my hair.

As soon as I thought I had it all figured out, the fight got a little harder. 

My phone started ringing in my pocket, I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID, and it was exactly who I suspected.

"Hey uncle Miles." I answered.

" Quit with the formalities Marco, what the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked.

"What do you mean? Your son committed attempted murder, was an accomplice, kidnapped a girl and admitted that had he been left alone long enough with my fiance he would have killed her too. You would have done the same.had it been anybody else and you would prosecute to the fullest of your abilities." I responded.

"Not my son." He said.

"You're son tried to kill a girl and left her for me to find." I said.

"Look Marco, your holding grudges over some girl, what would Leonardo say if he were still alive? How would he feel if the situation was flipped?" He asked.

"First of all Miles, you don't know shit about my dad so don't try to make it seem like he;d sympathize with your side of this situation, second of all, my dad loved Artura like his own daughter and had he been alive to know that Cole was the one who put her life in jeopardy, he'd do exactly the same thing as I did, he'd turn him in and if the situation were flipped he'd turn me in too." I admitted.

"Marco, let this go, your going to ruin your cousins life over a girl he didn't kill, they got her sister, right? Just let her take the charges for this, sh'es unstable so of course they'll think she's making it up by saying Cole was there, she'll be seen as another mad black woman who got jealous of her sister over a boy." He said matter of factually.

"Miles, you can't be serious right now, you're not asking me to frame a girl for a crime that had an accomplice, who has been identified and detained, with evidence and you're argument is that she's just an angry black woman?" I asked feeling myself getting angry.

"Look, you're a prosecutor, you know how the evidence can be stacked either way, but stack it in your cousin's favor, you don't owe anything to these women." He said.

"And exactly what the fuck do I owe to Cole?" I asked.

"Marco he's your family. He was there for you when your own brothers weren't there, you were here more than you were at your own home after all this shit happened and now you're going to turn on him, when you have a good moment with your brother, be smart about this because who will you have left when he decides that he doesn't want anything to do with you, that he wants to hop states again and you're all alone and you're sitting in a one bedroom apartment with a gun to your head?" He asked.

Book 2: Finding ValentinaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora