She gaped at him, head yelling for her to run. "What?" she stammered.

"Fight me," Jasper reiterated.

"You're crazy!" she hissed- stumbling back as he grew closer.

The golden eyed blond lunged at her, and she instinctively shot her arms out- palms held open and he stopped abruptly. Shattering glass was heard clearly as large, transparent pieces hit the ground. Her fingers flexed as a tingling sensation flowed through them.

The boy shook off his confusion easily and made for her again, catching her shoulder with a hand. Without thinking, she thrust her hands out- knocking him backwards with a snarl.

Reyna darted forward, body invisible as she crashed into him with enough force to send them both flying back. She landed on her back and quickly flipped herself onto her feet swiftly, body crouched in preparation for him to attack.

Jasper scanned his surroundings, his brow furrowed in concentration. Confused, Reyna lanced to her hands and found them to be missing. Invisibility seemed to be incredibly useful.

"That feeling of you get while using your abilities is proof that you are worth it. Your restraint in fighting back when you know that I can kill you proves that you strive to be better," Jasper spoke into the air. "Your optimism and hope refuse to let you give up."

Standing straight, she takes quiet steps forward- eyes glancing toward the people that crowded around the trees.

"Your ability to focus and not attack the nearest blood source when you let your anger take control shows that you aren't the monster you think you are," Jasper continued.

She narrowed her eyes on his- the golden colour mocking her horrific red. She wanted to spit at him, to lash out because their basic appearance proved that she was everything he is not. A demon dressed in her skin- a rose covered in thorns.

"It is our eating habits that change the colour of our eyes, we can show you if you let us," Edward explained.

A cold tickle set over her skin as she was well aware of exposing herself. She licked her lips- the cool smooth skin unfamiliar to her.

"What do you have planned?"

Reyna Alves had always been so confident in herself but sitting in a room of people that were watching her with precision as she towels dried her hair was unnerving- self-conscious of her actions and the way she held herself, she realized that these people could very well be incredibly older than herself.

"Can I braid your hair?" Rose questioned, Emmett stood behind her with a grin.

"Do you like sports?" the bear of a boy asked.

Nodding towards Rosalie, she faced Emmett with a grin, "I was cheer captain at school so I couldn't really be on a sports team, but I couldn't really be on the football team if I wanted to."

"Football then?" he laughed.

"Hell, yeah! Mike Newton was horrible, I could've been the perfect replacement," she exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's because Newton sucks in general."

"Right?" Reyna jumped in her seat- earning a silent scolding from Rose. "I hated having to cheer for him."

"Done," Rose claimed- moving to sit on Emmett's lap. "Did you pick a room you wanted?"

"I get a room?" she questioned- baffled.

"Of course, you're welcome to stay as long as you want," the kind woman she had learnt to be Esme told her.

Beaming at the family, she took Rose's hand and dragged her up the stairs. She took in the different scents, letting them guide her to he empty rooms facing the back of the house. Opening a door, she found a plain white room with an expensive window that had a latched.

The view was exceptional, she could see far into the distance- the mountain that she had previously been hidden visible. Birds in the trees sang sweet tunes and she found it was something she could get use to.

Scanning the room, she fond a door she figured to be a walk-in closet, and a latch on the window so that a section could open.

It wasn't like her own room- the little things she had collected over the years didn't litter the room, the things that meant something to her. Her old room held so many memories, this house didn't contain her family- it was something she would need to get use to, a new family.

"How close is this to your room?" she asked Rose- grinning widely.

The blonde's lips twitched at how fun Reyna was, "Across the hall."

The door downstairs opened and the rapid heartbeat sounded in her ears. She could hear Alice rambling a mile a minute about wedding arrangements and though she wanted to go downstairs and greet her friend- Reyna didn't think she could. The wedding was only a few days away and though she wished to play a part, she knew that she would be hidden away in the house or elsewhere.

"Want to go hunting?" Emmett's voice boomed in her ears- his smile contagious. "I bet I can bag a larger animal than you could."

Dashing to he window, she easily undid the latch and jumped down- landing gracefully on her feet next to the boy. Rose was landing at her side easily, sending them both disapproving looks as they darted through the trees- Reyna holding back significantly so they could keep up.

She knew that they didn't need to feed- she had already done so earlier today. Bella's arrival at the home only posed a difficulty to her and she was thankful that Emmett and Rose were willing to go out with her.

Jumping over log and kicking off trees- she skids to a stop when she caught the wet dog smell in the air. She turned towards it, the smell didn't seem off to her. Instead it was enticing, she could pick up the boy from earlier.

Kicking off, she tracked down the scent in hopes off finding him. There was something about him- the way her dormant heart yearned for him pulled her forward. Her mind blocking out rational thoughts as she outran the couple behind her.

Their shouts and warnings fell on deaf ears as she drew closer to the scent, being tackled from the side. She flew, sprawling on the ground with a thump- she spun, hissing at the person that rammed her.

Jasper met her gaze evenly and rage filled her- jaw clenching as she refrained from attacking him.

"You can't go over there," he stated calmly. "There's a treaty, we can't cross onto their land."

Huffing, her hands clenched and her eyes darted between here and the line. Sprinting towards the line, the blond boy grabbed her by the back of the to and threw her backwards. Reyna screamed in anger, body quivering with rage.

All she wanted was to see one of the creatures- see the boy.

"Rey," Emmett called to her. "Come on, we have to go hunt down the biggest predator, remember?"

Ignoring him, she flexed her hand- feeling the trickling feeling begin to spread from her hands.

"You want to prove you're better than your eye colour?" Jasper snapped. "They won't speak to you until you can show them you are- he won't speak to you."

Reyna spat at him in anger, a growl passing her lips as she passed him- joining Emmett and Rose's side, she let them lead her.

She had always been so full of hope as a human, so optimistic- and she believed that perhaps if she could prove to herself that she was stronger than she thought- she could get the answers she needed. She could learn why she was so attracted to a boy she had never met and why she craved to be near him.


& Follow me on Wattpad.

Hello this is all over the place? And is trash? But I love it?

And Reyna is a sweetie-pie but also a badass chick that's so angry because what even is her life now?

Soo I have a joint account with the lovely Infin-X where we will be posting collabs, so you should check it out at scoobert-doo and follow them both!


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