chapter 7

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Stevonnie pov.
I giggled as I ran through the crowd, jumping over gems and poofing others, finally I came up to a ship. "Pearl?" "Yes my diamond?" "How dose it look out there?" "I don't think we're winning" "go check then!" I hear footsteps and walk back.
What's a diamond?
One of the main leaders for homeworld, there's blue, yellow, and white, pink was killed.

I snap out of my thoughts and watch as a blue tinted pearl walks out of the ship. She sighs.
"Who is there? Don't lie either, I can feel your presence." "Uh... me" "Come out" I walk forward and she looks at me. "What type of gem are you?" "Uh..." "Tell me. What ARE you" "I'm a hybrid" "hybrid?" "Yes, my mom was a gem, my dad a human, but as of right now I'm a fusion" The pearl goes silent. "My diamond would love to meet you, come inside, you can't run" I nod and go inside. "My diamond, you will wish to speak to this thing" "I will?" "Yes"

I sit down, staring at her.
She's huge.
I know connie, just let me do the talking.
"What type of gem are you?" "I'm a hybrid" "A hybrid?" "My mom was a gem, my dad a human, as of right now I'm also a fusion" "Oh? Do you have a gem?" "Yes" "Can you control it?" "Yes " The diamond nods. "Interesting" "Can you unfuse?" "I would prefer not to" "Unfuse" "Yes blue diamond"

Stevens pov.

Connie looked at me with fear in her eyes, I rushed to her side. "Are you both hybrids?" "Just me" "What is she then?" "Human" "you fused with a human?" "Yes" "Human come to me" She walked forward. "What is your name?" "C-connie" "step back" She rushed to my side. "It's ok connie" I mumble reassuringly. "Hybrid, step forward." I walk forward. "Who is your mother? Is she still here?" "My mom is rose quartz, no, she died when she had me" the diamonds eyes narrow. "THE rose quartz? The betrayer of homeworld?" "I think one tells me about her." "I understand" I nod. "Sit down with your friend, your staying here"

The pearl walks forward. "Sit down here" She motions to a small corner, with a couple of blue chairs. Me and connie sit on a chair and she looks around. "My diamond, we're ready to go to space" "wait, steven, can you write a message to your friends?" "Yea" I take out a piece of paper and write a message.

Gems, dad, this is steven, I don't know if this message will get to you, I have met a diamond and I'm going to space, escaping is impossible, but I'm sure your going to attempt to save me, but, connie is with me, and I'm sure you all know how I feel about her. I will put her life first when you come to save me.
Steven quartz universe. ❤

After I write the letter I close it and seal it. "I have to go to the bathroom" I said standing Up. "My diamond?" The pearl said looking up at her. "Keep an eye on him pearl" the pearl grabs my arm and takes me outside. "Hurry up" She walks me to a bush and looks at me, I pretended to do it and I had dropped the paper there, I turned around. I walked over to her. "Are you done?" She makes a disgusted face. "Yes"

She grabs my arm and rushes me inside. "He is done with, whatever he had to do" "you, hybrid, your human is leaking" I look over, and sure enough Connie is crying. "Connie!" I run over to connie and sit next to her. "Oh....steven" She clutched my arms and sobbed into my chest. I rub her back, not knowing what else to do.

She stiffens and leans back. "We will be ok" "What If we won't steven, what if one of us dies? What if I lose you?" I take her hand and place it on my gem. "You won't lose me connie, I promise you, we will get out of this alive." "HYBRID SHUT IT!" "Yes blue diamond" "look the little hybrid knows my name" I stiffen and meet her eyes. "Are you challenging me?" She narrows her eyes, I can only assume that lookin into her eyes for too long is disrespectful and considered a challenge. "No" I look away, connie staring at me in wonder. "My diamond were ready for launch" I see blue pearl walk in. "Thank you pearl, lets go, my warriors will continue to fight while we are gone" The pearl nods and walks to a station, turns it on, and the Palaquin door closes, launching us into space.

Connie clutches me tightly, I pull her close as protective as I can be. I feel her stiff, then she relaxes once she realizes it's ok. I smile and lean back, she repositions herself in my lap. She let's out a soft sigh. "Steven can I see outside?" She whispered softly into my ear. "Blue diamond, may me and the human look outside?" "Yes, hybrid"

I stand up, almost tumbling backwards, I help connie up and take her arm, leading her to the window. She looks outside her eyes shining with wonder as she looks at the setting outside. "Steven it's beautiful" We hear footsteps and we turn around, Blue pearl looks at us. "Do you have names?" Connie looks at me. "I don't have all day" "I'm steven, that's connie, the fusion you saw earlier is stevonnie." The pearl nods. "I see, and, can you make more of your kind?" She says gesturing at us. Connie blushes and falls back, I reach down, and relize I'm blushing too, I help her up. "Is that a yes?" "We dont know" "I see"

The pearl nods and walks away and tells the diamond of her findings. The diamond gives a soft nod, I turn connie and I around, she looks up at me with a smile. "Thanks steven" She looks back outside. "We can sit down now, thanks for letting me look outside." "No problem" I help her to the seat and sit down, and suddenly the Palaquin lands. And the door opens. "Oh boy"

Holy cow guys. I'm so sorry it's been so long, but hey, I worked extra hard to make this chapter longer and exciting for my amazing followers! I'm looking for covers for this book, you can send them to me in messages or on my Facebook page "Destiny Burkhardt"

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