chapter two

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Garnets pov

I looked around. I saw the ships from home world all around.

One of the diamonds...
They were here. For a moment...
I had a flashback of us fighting with rose. Than I shook my head, I turned around

"Steven!" He ran to me with connie in his hands. "Is she ok?"
"I think" "can you wake her?" "I think" steven said ending our small conversation. Steven ran inside.

Minutes later he returned, pearl and amethyst was at my side. Connie was walking next to him, she looked unsteady, but fine.

"Hi connie" pearl said before I could say it. "Hi" She responded. I waved and drew my mallets as I heard more gems draw nearby.

Steven mumbled something to connie, she smiled and they started dancing. Amethyst whooped and pearl said. "Go connie!" Suddenly a flash of light came from the two and stevonnie appeared in their place.

"Welcome back" I said and I felt the ruby side of me acting up

Ruby stop acting exicted you have seen them before as stevonnie

I know Sapphire I know but still are you not excited to see them again?

I am, but we have bigger matters at hands, we may have a war to deal with

All right you win, lets get started.

That's what I thought.

I smiled and walked forward. "Be careful, steven watch connies side of you, if yoy need to unfuse let me know ok?" They nodded and walked off.

"Pearl amethyst start fighting watch them, I don't want them getting hurt" "garnet don't you think your being.... over protective a bit?" "OVERPROTECTIVE" I almost yelled. "I don't want them to get hurt" "We don't either" Than pearl ran off, soon followed by amethyst. I was all alone, and I ran into the battlefield.

I looked at stevonnie fighting they looked fine, but not so I checked my future vision and saw something I didn't wanna see...

------------------------------------------------------SURPRISE! I wrote another chapter yay!

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