Chapter 6

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Garnets pov
She watched the Enerald gem. Working hard poofing homeworld gems. She could tell, There was an anger and unbalance with her. She would have to unfuse soon.

She rushed forward and poofed a gem. Amethyst walked forward. "Where is pearl!" "She's inside!" "She's taking to long!" Thats when we unfused. We had been fighting with each other

Ruby pov.
Ruby stood up. "Ugh! Why dose this happen to us!" "Ruby, calm" "We need to tell her!" "We dont. Let us wait" ruby groaned and drew her weapon. "Go inside sapphire"

She turned around and saw sapphire running inside. Pearls gem In her hands.

She sighed and turned around. A door opening on a ship. A light shined, revealing a cage, with three corrupted gems. A pearl walked forward, it looked like blue pearl?

She sighed, and opened the cage, at once they all rushed at me, I summoned my gauntlet and poofed one, but not before they jumped on me, thrusting me to the ground.


I looked at my gem, cracked horribly. Oh god. Oh no. Gotta get it fixed. I twitch and fall to the ground, then stand up. I notice three ships taking off. But seven still left. I run inside, knowing this is only, the beginning of something, entirely new.

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