"Um, well why don't we show a little laughter in my office now" Mr. Delmas tells Odd, Odd looking at them.

"Oh no please tell that I'm still sleeping that is a nightmare" Odd asks loudly.

"You're wide awake Della Robia, but you're right about one thing this is your nightmare" Jim tells him.

Mr. Delmas office

"Disappointed that's the only word for it Miss Stones and Odd, I'm deeply disappointed in the both of you" Mr. Delmas says to them, with Aelita & Odd sitting on the chairs close to his desk with Jim behind him.

"I agree with that sir, these two took me of some sort of a idiot" Jim tells him.

"You shamelessly acted with total indifference to the ethical values that this institution was designed to teach you, you lied both of you there for 4 hours of detention" Mr. Delmas tells them.

"Really only 4 sir" Jim ask him.

"Yes and that's because I consider myself to be to" Mr. Delmas tells him.

"Two a week" Jim ask again.

"Magnanimous" Mr. Delmas tells him.


Odd & Aelita walking.

"Thanks for the lame excuse Aelita" Odd tells her.

"Hey Odd, how can I know that Jim would pull his back out and go to the infirmary" Aelita says to him.

"If you'd taken the time to think of a better excuse I wouldn't have four hours of detention" Odd tells her.

"And if you were just a bit less selfish you realize that I got stuck with four hours of detention too, and for what because you need your sleep you lazy loser" Aelita yells at him.

Harry shows up.

"Calm down you to" Harry tells them.

"Uh, hi Aelita im how would you feel about having a fantastic and breathtaking experience together in the moonlight tonight" Nicholas asks her walking up to them.

"Aelita would rather have detention than go out with you" Odd tells him.

"I agree with Odd" Harry tells him.

"Hey stay out of it you to, how nice of you to ask me Nicholas thanks I really like that" Aelita says to them.

"Oh boy" Harry mutters.

"Tell me I'm hearing things, you're not going to go out with that nerd are you" Odd ask her.

"I'd rather hang out with a nerd instead of a selfish potato head like you" Aelita tells him, walking away from the boys.


"These fries are tasty" Ulrich says eating his lunch at the table, then Odd sists down. "Did I say something wrong" Ulrich asks Odd, Odd looks over at Aelita.

"Well if it looks like we've got a bit of a cold war on our hands" Yumi says.

"Listen you to why don't you kiss and make up we've got more important things to worry about" Jeremy tells them.

"Like exploring the network with the skids some more" Ulrichs says whispering to Jeremy.

"That's right and especially to check out that spear you came across on your first trip" Jeremy says.

"Great when do we go" Yumi ask him.

"The longer we wait the stronger Xana gets so I say we try tonight, that is if our two friends are ready to bury the hatchet" Jeremy tells them.

the final round #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now