School. Aka Hell

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*Annabeths POV*

Last night was rough. Charlie wouldn't stop crying and so me and Percy had to bring him into our room so his sisters could sleep but they never did much of that despite not having Charlie screaming almost constantly. We finally got to sleep but that was short lived as I was pulled from my amazing dream by my alarm clock. Not fun. I quickly opened my eyes and slammed my hand on the top before Charlie started crying but I was sadly too late.

"Sssssshhhhhh. It's ok bubby. The loud noise has gone now. It's ok momma's here. Momma's got you bubby." I soothed.

He didn't stop so I decided that maybe he was tired. I pulled down the strap of my tank top and he immediately latched himself onto my nipple.

"Hel- now this is a sight I don't mind waking up to." Percy said propping himself up on his elbows. "How about I go get the girls ready and you can finish here then get their food and yourself ready."

"Ok. Thank you." I said and gave him a quick peck on the lips before he got off of the bed and made his way to the nursery.

"You finished?" I looked down at Charlie to find that he just detached himself. "Good."

I pulled my strap back up and set Charlie on the bed. I started to pump my milk into bottled for the triplets today so there wasn't a dilemma with food while me and Percy were at school.

Once I got NINE! Bottles made I made my was to my closet and got dressed. I finished just as Percy came in with two very anxious looking girls.

"Set them on the bed Perce then I'll breast feed them now and save the bottled for my dad." I said and set myself back on the bed thankful for my choice of a flowy top and a nursing bra.

"Ok I'm getting dressed." Percy said as he made his way to the closet.

~20 minutes later~

Zoë and Silena were fed and Percy had changed as well as put the bottles in the fridge. ALSO, he got Charlie ready. He is such a good dad.

"Ok so since you took care of them I will make us breakfast." I said and made my way to the kitchen.

"Thank you Wise Girl. Whatcha gonna make?" He said and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"I was thinking eggs and bacon. But if you want something else I can make it for you." I said.

"Well I want you but I can't so eggs and bacon it is." He smirked which earned him a kick in the shin from me.

"Annabeth?! Percy?!" A voice called from the door.

We walked to the living room to find Paul and my father Fredrick on the couch with a girl and their laps while Charlie slept on the couch next to them.

"Present. We were making breakfast if you two wanted any." I offered but they politely declaimed saying that they both had already had their breakfast.

~After Breakfast~

"Well, we ready for another day in hell?" Percy asked as we shouldered our bags for school.

I chuckled at his immaturity and nodded my head.

"Now let me say goodbye to my babies once more." I said and showered all three of my kids with kisses and gave my father a quick kiss on the cheek. "Now, remember if Charlie cries for no reason so him a picture of me and he should calm down. There are nine bottles of milk in the fridge but if you should need more there is a tub of formula and instructions in the cupboard full of baby cloths. Don't put Charlie in the cribs if he's asleep he doesn't like, just put him in the bassinet or on the sofa or bed. There are dippers and spare cloths in the nursery. All the draws are labelled so there's not a problem there. Is that all?" I looked at Percy to see if he had anything.

"Yeah do t have the tv to loud. You'll never get them to shut up." He said.

"On that all. Bye babies see you later." I gave them all one last kiss before being physically dragged out of the apartment by Percy. "BYE!" I shouted one last time.

"Ready?" Percy asked me.

"No but I have no choice." I replied which made him chuckle.

"Tough." He whispered.

"I thought so."

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