The time is now.

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Annabeth POV

Me and Percy were sleeping when I woke up to go to the bathroom when I felt a sharp pain shoot through my entire body.

"Oh." I moaned and sat down again.

"You ok?" Percy asked concerned while turning around to look at me.

"Yeah." I lied and went to bathroom.

I had finished in the bathroom when I heard a loud pop and water trickled down my leg and I felt the same pain I had felt before.

"Percy!" I screamed and in the blink of an eye he was at my side holding me close.

"What is it Wise Girl?" Percy asked with nothing but concern in his voice.

"I think they're coming." I said and he had a big grin on his face but his eyes held worry.

"Calm down ok. Stress isn't good for them. Can you walk?" He was a lot calmer than I thought he would be.

"I don't think so." I breathed as he picked me up with ease and walked to the door of the apartment but then Percy remembered his mom and step-dad.

"Hold on for a couple of minutes ok." I nodded and he carefully placed me onto the couch before running into his parents room who then came out, Paul carrying a sleeping Sarah in his arms and Sally made her way to the stairs where we placed the hospital bags and then I was lifted into Percy's arms and we all made our way to the cars.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as another contraction shot through my body and Percy kissed my forehead and tried to calm me down but it didn't work and I ended up pulling on the collar of his shirt and screamed at him, "Get these out of me!"

"I'm sorry beautiful." Percy said and kissed my lips before setting me in the back of the car and he sat down next to me while Sally drove.

After the short drive that felt like forever I was taken to a large open room and Percy along with lots of other people wearing scrubs walked into the room. I noticed Percy because of his eyes and because as soon as he seen me he rushed to my side and started stoking my hair and trying to soothe me by kissing me cheek and fore head but every attempt failed.

"Hello Annabeth." Dr Loronzo said while walking into the room and taking a seat at the foot of my bed.

"How far apart are contraction?" Dr. Lorenzo asked one of the nurses.

"30 seconds." A nurse replied.

"Ok Annabeth on your next contraction I need you push really hard ok. I gave a slight nod to she that I understood.

"PUSH!" Dr. Lorenzo shouted and I complied. "And again." 

The sound that filled the room next was not a sound I would soon forget.

"IT'S A BOY!" One of the nurses said,I was confused and from the look on Percy's face he was to but I let go of it as I felt another pain through out my body. "Ok the next babies crowning, I'm going to need you to push really hard ok."

I followed her wishes and gathered some of my quickly thinning energy and pushed with a lot of might. I felt the baby escape my birth cannel and I heard the cries of my second child.

"IT'S A GIRL!" The nurse shouted and I looked at Percy to find his face break out into an even bigger than before if that is even possible.

"Ok one last big push and then you're done." Dr. Loronzo said and I muster every once of energy I have left and push with all of that energy. "IT'S A GIRL!"

I let out a sigh of relief and slumped down into the bed and Percy leaned down to kiss me on the lips and whispered into my ear,

"I'm so proud of you." I smiled at him before the nurse decided to interrupt,

"Would you like to hold the babies?"

"Yes please." Me and Percy said in unison before two small forms were placed in my arms and I saw one of the girls being handed to Percy which meant that I had our son and other daughter.

"What do we name him?" I asked not taking my eyes off the two of the three most precious people in my life. Well, four if you include Percy.

"Charlie Luke Jackson." Percy said and stroked his son's head with the hand that wasn't being used to support his daughter.

"Perfect. What do we name them now?" I asked.

"Zoe Bianca Jackson." He pointed to the baby girl in one of my arms. "Silena Sally Jackson."

"Perfect. Do you want to get your mom, Paul and Sarah to meet them?"

"OH YEAH!" Percy yelled which set off all of the babies crying. "Sorry." Percy whispered. I couldn't tell if it was to me or the babies but Silena seemed to calm down a little.

A lot of crying later.

Finally we calmed down the babies and Percy placed Silena and Charlie in the small cots in the room and I put Zoe in the other and lay down on the bed. It was at that moment that I realised how tired I actually am so I closed my eyes for a split second and was woken up by the cries of one of my new born children.

"What's the matter Charlie?" I asked as I picked him up. "Where's daddy?" I asked to myself.

"Here." Percy said and walked into the room with some food and a couple drinks. "You need to eat." Percy said while handing me a ham sandwich.

"Thanks." I said and bit a small piece out of the sandwich before Sally walked in with a big smile on her face.

"Hey," She whispered, "How you feeling?" She asked me.

"Like crap." I said and we all let out a small chuckle.

"Hello buddy, how about I change you into something cooler?" Percy said and began to change Charlie out of his white and pink baby grow and changed him into one that said, 'I'd flex but I like this onesi.' "Better. None of that pink girly stuff. Gross."

"You weren't saying that when we bought them. If I remember correctly you were saying none stop how cute they are." I smirked and picked up Charlie off the bed and held him close.

"He's so cute." Sally cooed.

"Annabeth." Dr. Loronzo said from the doorway, "After we have run a few more tests on the triplets you may take them home." She informed us.

"Thank you." I said and she left the room giving a polite nod and closed the door.

"Did you hear that princess." Percy said and picked up Zoe who just woken up. She was wearing a baby grow (like her sister) that said,

'I'm cute,

Mommy's hot,

Daddy's lucky.'

"Did you know that this outfit is very true." Percy said as he sat down next to me on the bed.

"Yeah it just misses out a brother and sister." I said then I heard crying coming from Silena's cot.

"I got her." Sally said and picked up a crying Silena and soothed her to the pint where the only thing she was doing was looking confused.

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