Telling our mortal parents

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I was now 2 months pregnant and me and Percy needed to tell our mortal parents. I don't know why we waited this long to tell them but we did.

"Dad." I said talking into my secret phone." Can you meet me, Percy and his parents at the Empire State Building please."

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

"Yeah everything's ok we just need to talk to you." I reassured him.

"Ok Love you" he said.

"Love you too." With that I hung up and turned to face Percy.

"He is going to kill us." Percy said with a smug grin on his face after he finished his Iris Message to his Mom and Paul.

At the Empire State Building.

"Hey." I said as our parents came over to the picnic table we were sat at.

"Why are we here?" My dad with a tone full of worry."And neither of you are dying right? Is there another war coming?" He continued.

"No. And I think this news can go one of three ways but first you must promise not to freak out as me and Annabeth have already made our final decision on the matter and none of you are changing that." Percy said with his voice full of control and leadership.

"We promise but tell what's going on Percy you're worrying us all." Sally said with a worrisome look in her eyes.

"Me and Annabeth." He said slowly." Are going to be parents." He said that part faster to just let get it out. An awkward silence followed with our parents making unreadable glances back and forth between themselves.

"Are you sure Percy?" Paul said seeing the pure worry in our faces and he thankfully broke the silence.

"Yes but we can explain everything if you want us to." Percy said as I could no longer talk.

"No there is no need for that. But just one question if that's ok with you." Sally said.

"Sure go ahead."Percy replied.

"How did we not find out or did you do it at camp?" Cue blush.

"It was at your apartment and you were out with your friends and Paul was no where to be seen." Percy said in response.

"Ok." Sally said a lot calmer that what I expected.

That went better then what I thought it would.

"Also me to and Percy have an unltrasound tomorrow." I said with a slight smile on my face.

"Oh that's amazing!" Sally screamed at the top of her voice.

"Annabeth, if you would like to spend the night to make it easier tomorrow you are more than welcome." Sally said with a warm smile while my dad still said nothing.

"Thank you Sally." I said and smiled back at her while Percy slung his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

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