First day home

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A/N: Here is a pic of the nursery (the pink floral is the wallpaper and the crib is the same but tripled):

A/N: Here is a pic of the nursery (the pink floral is the wallpaper and the crib is the same but tripled):

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"Annabeth." Someone whispered and gently shook me awake. I opened my eyes to find Percy's perfect sea-green eyes looking at me then I heard crying so I jumped up and ran to my children's  nursery and ran over to Zoe who was crying and picked her up.

"What's the matter baby?" I asked and she just carried on crying. "Ssssssssshhhhhhhhh. It's ok."

"I think that she's hungry. That's why I woke you up." Percy said and I blushed. My decision on feeding them was breast feeding.

"Ok." I said and walked back to our bedroom with Percy hot on my trail. "What do you want?" I asked him.

"For you to make our child stop crying." He said with a smirk.

I then pulled down the strap on my tank top to reveal what Percy wanted to see.

"Perve." I said and Zoe attached her self onto my boob and started to suck.

"I'm going to get the other two. No doubt they will be hungry pretty soon." Percy said and ran out of the room down the hall.

____10 minutes later____

"You finished?" I asked Zoe and she detached her self from my boob just before Percy came back in with Carlie wearing an outfit that looked like a prison jumpsuit that said, 'I just did 9 months on the inside.' I let out a small chuckle.

"Are you hungry baby?" I asked him and Percy handed him to me but not before sneaking a little look (or stare) at my boob. "Perve." I told him and he winked before taking Zoe and walking down the hall.

____20 minutes later____

After all babies were fed me and Percy got dressed as well as dressing them before we all made our way down stairs.



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