We get a surprise visit.

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Me and Percy were sat on our bed watching Criminal Minds. Well I was watching it while Percy was talking to the babies that we decided to name:
Zoë Bianca Jackson
Thalia Elysa (after Elysium) Jackson
And Silena Sally Jackson.

I love the names we picked! I'm  now 7 months Pregnant.

"Percy can you ge-" I started but was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Percy said giving me a sorry look.

"Sorry to interrupt but Annabeth there is someone here to see you." Sally said opening the door.

"Oh ok can you bring them here please?" I said sitting up slightly an pulling me shirt over my massive belly.

"Hey Annabeth." A vaguely familiar voice said coming in. "It's me your Uncle Steve." He said showing his face.

"Hey." I said skeptical to why he was here. "What are you doing here?"

"Well. Your Dad was worried that he hadn't seen or heard from you in 2 months. He explained to me what's happened and I wanted to see you after nearly 10 years. Is that to much to ask?" He said while sitting down on the bed. "Well you must be the famous Percy Jackson Saviour of Olympus twice Son of Poseidon wander of Tartarus and winner of my lovely nieces heart. As well as something else." He said the last part looking at my stomach. Did I mention that he was a half-blood. Son of Ares related to daughter of Athena. Brains and bron under one roof. How rare?

"Yes sir. But how do you know all that about me?" Percy said putting one hand on my stomach and one on my hand.

"Well Mr. Jackson you see Annabeth tells her dad all the adventures she has and then her dad tells them to me." My uncle said looking at the T.V. "Criminal Minds? Come on Annabeth you shouldn't be watching this." He said with a small crack of a smile.

"It's a good show." Me and Percy say at the same time causing us all to hunch over in fits of laughter.

"Let's not do that again." I said in between laughs  and giving Percy a playful smack in the face in fake slow motion.

"Well is everything ok?" My Uncle asked looking quite serious.

"Yeah." I said looking just as serious in a playful way.

"Well that's good then and also I would just like to say that my adopted son , Daniel or Danno as we like to call him, is a half-blood as well and he was wondering if he could stay at camp all year around. So I saw this as an opportunity to show you the first known adopted Demi-God." My Uncle said signaling towards the door.

"Sure. This could be interesting." Percy said sitting up a little and putting a protective arm over my shoulders and another on my stomach.

"Ok then. Come in Danno." My Uncle said turning towards the door.

The next thing you know a small skinny boy with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes that reminded me of Luke walked in but as soon as he do he burst into tears.

"What's the matter Danny?" My uncle said walking towards him.

"Annabeth? Percy?" Daniel said looking up at us.

"How did you know?" Percy said tightening the grip he had on me.

"It's me. Luke. But well kind of. I got put in Elysium with Bianca Di Angelo and she gave me my memories back and forgave me. Then she went for her other life leaving me all alone so I tried and got another chance as well." He said tears coming down his face the same for me.

"Luke?" I asked taking my hand away from my mouth. I didn't care if I was crying.

"Yeah." He said wiping the tears from his face. "I am so so so so so sorry for what I did and I know I don't deserve it but if you could forgive me I will be forever in your debt." He said sinking into the shadows of the room.

I got up and made my way to him slowly so I didn't startle him as he sank closer to the walls I reached him with a tears in my eyes.

"Of course we can Luke." I said putting a gentle hand on his cheek when I felt a hand on my belly.

"Your pregnant?!" Luke asked/shouted.

"Yeah with triplets." I said putting my hand on my balloon of a pregnancy belly.

"Wow! Annabeth Chase being irresponsible!" Luke said with confusion and humor.

"Yeah." I said letting out a small laugh.

"Who's the father?" Luke asked and I could've swore he was eyeing Percy who had crept up behinds me and put an arm on my shoulders again.

"Me." Percy said sat up a little straighter (we were kneeling down to Luke's level).

"Wow! Annabeth hated you 5 years ago but now she's carrying your children. I think I might die again from shock endorsement!" Luke said fake panting hard and putting a hand on his chest like he was having a heart attack.

"Yeah. Strange the way that works but hey we went from hating each other's guts to best friends in less than 2 months." Percy said letting a small laugh.

"Anyway." My uncle interrupted. "We should get to camp to see what Chiron says about this." He continued clapping his hands together once to catch our attention.

"Bye Luke. It was a pleasure seeing you again." I said giving him as much of a hug as possible with 3 babies in the way.

"Bye old friend." Percy said shaking his hand and patting him on the back.

"Bye and thank you for your forgiveness." Luke said squeezing out of my hug to his new adopted fathers hands. I wonder who his Godly parent is this time. And what if people realize but don't forgive him . Clarisse and Chris for example. Oh no.

After they left me and Percy got back to before talking about good and bad times making me cry a little but it was a fun walk down memory lane to talk about the heroes as if they're still here.

Longest chapter EVER! Over 1000 word but it was super sad. So big decision:
Is Luke happy for or envy over Percy winning Annabeths heart and does he try to sabotage their relationship? You decide!!

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