Holy styx! (Actual chapter)

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"Percy, Annabeth we have decided to let you two have the apartment for you and your children. Me, Paul and Sarah will still be in the building but we will be in apartment 2B. We move out tomorrow." I stood there in shock as did Percy.

"What?!" Percy finally said with a smile.

"We hand over this apartment to you. Me and Paul will pay for it and any other expenses till you two graduate collage. Then the apartment is truly yours." I was ecstatic.

"Holy Styx!" I shouted. Percy then came up to me and pulled me into I really tight hug.

"You have the space to get all of them their own room or you can give Charlie his own room and have space for more children or you can give them all their own room." All I could do was cry in excitement but the moment was semi ruined by the sound of cries.

"Bet that's Zoë and Charlie wanting to be fed." I said as I went upstairs with Percy behind me.

We reached their room and found Zoë bawling her eyes out.

"What's the matter baby?" I picked her up but that only made her cry more.

I was extremely worried. Was she hurt? How was she hurt? Did I make it worse?! Did I cause my baby pain?!

"Annabeth calm down. Look she's ok now." Percy whispered into my ear. I looked down at a calm but definitely hungry baby.

"Come on baby. Are you hungry?" Zoë started grabbing at my shirt. I blushed but Percy just laughed a little.

I made my was over to the chair in the corner of the room and pulled down the strap of my tank top. Immediately Zoë latched her self onto me while Percy tried to calm Charlie down util Zoë was finished.

"Wise Girl. Do you know what this Sunday is?" I looked at Percy confused. (A/N: It's Thursday)

"Your birthday!" He said.

"Oh yeah."

"What do you think of the whole apartment to for us and our children thing?"

"I think if will be a good idea. I mean Sarah starts school soon and with all the crying during the night I think it will be the best for all of us. Anyway, it's not like we won't see them again." Percy smiled and Charlie calmed down a little at the sight of it.

It made my heart melt a little. I looked down at Zoë and saw that she had finished so I put her back in her crib and got Charlie from Percy.

"I think I know what I'm gonna get you for for your birthday." I ,again, looked at Percy confused.

"A beast pump. Well I'll probably give my mom the money and ask her to get it for you. No way will I buy one." I chuckled a little bit and nodded in agreement. Why did we not think of this earlier.

I then looked down at Charlie and found that he had finished and fallen back asleep. I pulled up the strap on my tank top and placed him back down in his crib.

"How about we go shopping for some boy things tomorrow?" I asked Percy.

"Yeah. My son will have nothing to do with pink. Other than the fact that he has 2 sisters but hopefully that changes soon." Percy came over to me and pulled me into a kiss that got pretty heated.

I don't know how but we ended up on our bed making out with Percy fondeling with my boobs and rubbing my nipples. I let out a moan and Percy smirked into our kiss before pulling away.

"Like that don't you?" I moaned again as he started doing to again but this time a lot sexier.

"Alri- Wooooo. Stop that right now!" Percy basically jumped of me at the sound of my fathers voice. "Seriously! You already have 3 kids do you seriously want more?!"

"Yes." Me and Percy said together AGAIN!

"We HAVE to stop doing that!" Percy chuckled a little as did I.

"Aright we'll be getting off and I don't want to hear that you two are expecting for at least another year!" With that he walked out and downstairs.

Me and Percy looked at each other before Percy came back over to me and pulled me into a kiss. This time it wasn't a heated kiss but a loving one.

"Let's go downstairs and hope no one heard." Percy pulled me off the bed and we made our way downstairs.

"We heard it all." Dally said just as we got off the bottom step.

"You mad?" Percy asked.

"No. This apartment will be your tomorrow so you can do whatever you want as long as it's safe. I agree with Frederick. No news that you're expecting for another year. Now I am putting Sarah to bed and going myself so goodnight." With that she picked a sleeping Sarah up and went upstairs.

"I'm going as well. I have work tomorrow. Also Annabeth's dad is coming down the day after tomorrow so you two are going to school in two days so you should get as much sleep as possible. I've also alerted the staff of the triplets just incase you or all three of us have to leave because of them. Now bed." Percy sighed with sadness.

"What about feeding?" I asked.

"Sally took care of that. Everything is sorted Annabeth. Thalia is also coming down incase of a monster attack. You have nothing to worry about. Now good night and advice you go to bed now to get maximum sleep with 3 babies." He walked up the stairs and walked into his and Sally's room.

"You heard the man. Bed. Let's go." I said and grabbed Percy's hand and dragged him upstairs. "Ok I'm gonna get changed In the bathroom. You can get changed in here if want."

"I've already seen it all Wise Girl. No need  to get changed in the bathroom." Saw a smirk spread across his face as I lifted my top and revealed that I forgot to wear a bra.

We both completed getting changed with out doing something and got in bed ready to go to sleep before Percy wrapped his arm and held onto my stomach.

"It feels weird thinking that my children are no longer there." We both laughed a little before he kissed my neck then my cheek and tried to get to my lips but couldn't so I helped him.

I turned around and we kissed for about 30 seconds before we pulled away for air.

"Good night Wise Girl. I love you."

"Good night Seaweed Brain. I love you too."

With that we both fell asleep in each others arms.



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