Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Isabelle POV

It's been two weeks since I met Sally. Well the better term is "sneaked into her house". She really is different than from the rest. Unlike others who would had kicked me out and call the police, she made me feel welcome. She attended my wounds, gave me food and a bed. In top of all that, she has been so sweet on me. I don't know what having a mother feels like but I'm guessing this is the closest I'm going to feel. Every day I would try to make breakfast but I would only could make toast, so she would help me prepare the food, even though she has a weird tradition of making the food the color blue which is weird but I don't have the right to judge.

This also went on for lunch and dinner.

Every day we would wake up late and walk to the shore and talk about our lives. I know it isn't smart to talk to a complete stranger about my life but she has earned my trust. We would talk about our backrounds, our likes and our dislikes, our favorite books and poets. I learned so much from her like for example I learned about her son, Percy which she told me has about a year older than me. She didn't have a picture of him but she described him as a really funny, caring guy. I can see that she really loves her son. I asked about his whereabouts but she told me he was in a special camp. I didn't want to press on the subject.

Today is Friday and me and Sally were in the shore looking out into the ocean. I looked at her and she had a deep look on her face, as if remembering something.

"Isabelle sweetie, I think you should go to the camp I told you about." she started off. I looked at her sighing. I knew this was gonna end sooner or later. I would have preferred later.

"I get Sally. I know I'm a pain." I said while looking at my sandy toes.

"No it's not that I don't want to have you here. In fact I want to have you here. You're like my own daughter."

"Then why are you kicking me out? I know I'm a pain and ev-" "You are not a pain sweetie. It's just that I feel that in that camp I told you about, you will feel more at home."

I stayed silent while hearing the waves crash into the shore. Maybe it won't be so bad. I trust Sally and if she even sent her own son there than

maybe it's the one for me.

"Ok" I said while grinning at her. She gave me a big hug. I hugged back. I was trying my best not to cry.


So it's about 5:30 in the afternoon and I was waiting for Sally. She said that she wanted to give me something. I have everything packed and ready to go. After our chat, I packed everything and she helped me. Then we had a very delicious dinner with homemade pizza and blue soda. As for dessert, she made blue ice cream with blue sprinkles on top. To say it was delicious is an understatement.

With my skateboard in one hand and my suitcase in the other. With my backpack over my shoulders I was in front of the door. I heard Sally's footsteps. She was in shorts and in a tshirt. She was holding a locket the shape of a heart. It was silver and simple. It looked gorgeous.

"It was from high school. My uncle gave it to me for my 15 birthday. I don't use it anymore but I want you to have it." she explained while reaching into my hands and giving me the locket.

"I can't take this Sally. It's too precious for you." I said while giving it back. She moved her head side to side. " I want you to have something to remember me by. Besides it would look better on you than on me."

I grasped the jewelry and put it over my neck. It shun a bit and illuminated a spot on the wall.

"See it looks wonderful."

I sighed and said "Thank you Sally for the best two week of my life." I hugged her inmedietly. "You're most welcome Izzy. You can come back here any time. Now do you have enough snacks?"

"Yes ma'am"

"And you know where to go?"

"Yes ma'am"

She smiles and opens the door for me. I started skateboarding down the street when I heard he yell" Say hi to Percy for me! And tell him I love him!"

"No problem!" I yelled back and kept on skating.


It was nighttime when I heard a weird noise. It sounded like a slither. I stooped on my tracks when I looked around. It took a few second just to shrug it off and kept on skating when the earth started to tremble. I slowly looked behind and gasped when I started to run like mad.

It was the freaking scorpion from my nightmares. It didn't look happy at all.


So well guys that's the end of Chappie three. I'm sorry for it being short and such a long delay. School has been a pain :/

But thanks again for reading:)

PS: please check out my bestie @leandralovesit story "The Fandom Radio" it's awesome, you won't regret it!:D

So as always




&*stay awesome

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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