Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Isabelle POV

The plan is simple really. We kill the Batman! Nah just pulling your peach. The real plan is to wait till everyone is asleep then I leave. They all have a schedule. The kids fall asleep at 8:30 while the nuns go to their rooms at 9:30 but just to make sure I'll leave at 11. I know it's not safe to be running away at nighttime but I have to do this. I have to figure out who I am and who were my parents. I never had curiosity till now about who they were and why did they leave me.

I locked the door behind me and started to pack. All I had for putting away my clothes was a medium sized black suitcase and my school backpack. I placed the suitcase onto my bedand put away all my clothes. Well the ones I liked anyway. I only had one pair of shoes which were my black converse. I placed all my hygiene stuff in there too. I closed my suitcase and prepared to put away stuff in my backpack. I took out all of my school stuff and put it in all my money I've saved up since I started working in the bookstore. I must have like 500 dollars. It's not much but it's something to start with.

I heard all the little kids getting into the bathroom and getting cleaned up. I was about done but I realized that I should take a shower. I waited for about 2 hours and I grabbed my cleaning stuff and clothes and went into the bathroom. As I was under the cold water I was thinking were could I go. I don't exactly have a relative to live with nor a friend that could take me in. I still had no idea where to go to when I finished and got out. I locked the door again from my room and dressed up in my escaping clothes. I was wearing a light blue long sleeved shirt and my leather jacket over it, dark blue jeans and my converse. I took my black hair into a side braid and wore a grey beanie. I looked outside. It was dark but it was still 8 o' clock. I decided to put an alarm on my IPod and get some sleep. I put my stuff under my bed and laid down. I wasn't tired but in fact nervous. Where could I go I have no idea. After a long period o thinking, I knew the place where I wanted to go but I fell asleep.


I heard a familiar beeping and woke up energized. Well that's a start. I headed over to the window only to see nighttime fall upon the city and a few strew lights dimming the sidewalk. I smiled and thought of the freedom that awaits me. I grabbed my suitcase slung over my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my skateboard. I looked around one last time and felt nostalgia. I spent all my life here, never fitting in, never feeling wanted. I shook all those negative thoughts and walked out the door. Me being the silent ninja that I am, tip toed down the hall and down the stairs. I felt relieved when no one was around but I was super cautious cause everything was pitch dark with the exception of the kitchen light on.

I got to the kitchen when I got an idea. I opened the pantries and the fridge to take some food with me. Cookies, crackers, chips and water were being thrown in the backpack. I can't starve to death in the big scary city. When I finished I sighed and smiled. One last look around and then I'm gone for good.

When I was done feeling sad for myself, I opened the door and silently closed it behind me. The cold was a slap to the face and I started to shiver but thankfully my jacket did its job to keep me warm enough. I pushed the skateboard to the floor and sped off, looking behind to the apple tree which was always there. It was the only beauty seen in the orphanage. I passed several building till I stopped in front of a peculiar bakery. The smell of bread was still a ghost and made my mouth water. I then realized that I probably won't see Lulu and her fire hair. I had an idea in that moment. I took out a paper and a pen from my backpack and wrote a letter to her while putting the paper against the wall. After finishing the card, I left it under the door and kept skating a few blocks till I could hail a taxi. I got in, closed the door behind me and put my belongings next to me.

"Where to' toots?" the driver asked with his chain smoker voice. His green eyes looked at me through his mirror which hung tacky fluffy dice. His hawaiian shirt was about an inch away to pop a button and straight to an eye. His bald head shun in the dark and his two day old beard was showing.

I ignored the fact that he called me toots. Freaking pedo. " To Montauk" I said to him while leaning into my seat. "It's a 2 hour drive. You sure you got money for that kid?"

" Just shut up and drive." I talked back. He grumbled something under his breath and drove off. I started to stare out the window all the fast lights that pass me by. I felt my eyelids heavy and gave in to the sleep.


"Yo kid wake up! " yelled the creep with the taxi. I opened my eyes quick and took in my surroundings. I smirked in success. I saw a familiar cabin near by. I payed the man and he left. It was still dark out but the stars and moon shone brighter than ever becoming a beacon to me. The sand was white and the waves were crashing against a few rocks but other than that, the beach was peaceful enough. I started waking to the cabin which looked recently painted over. I walked faster with my suitcase on one hand, skateboard in other and backpack over my shoulder. I finally reached my destination. I smiled while the memories flooded my thoughts. In the orphanage, what we considered a vacation was going to this beach. The nuns would stay behind while is kids ran off to the water. For me it was the funniest thing ever. Its the only good memories I have besides pulling pranks. As a kid I would sneak into this cabin and stay hidden while we played hide and seek. I became fond of it. I loved every flaw of this small wooden, infested cabin.

Walking to the nearest window, I dropped my stuff and began pushing the window to open with my fingers. They began to bleed a bit when I finally opened them. I laughed in success ignoring the throbbing of my hands. I threw my stuff inside and then jumped through.

"What are you doing and why are you in my cabin? A soft, soothing voice spoke from behind me. I cringed and mentally slapped myself. Of course people come here. I turned around and saw a pretty woman. She had her brown hair tied in a braid. She had a few grey hairs showing but that didn't affect her beauty. Her warm eyes were squinted as if trying to see me through the dark. She was wearing an oversized shirt with some sweats. I'm guessing she was sleeping when she heard the ruckus.

"I'm sorry ma'm. I thought no one was in here. I'll leave now." I said while trying to jump when she stopped me by grabbing my shoulder and turned me around. "You are not going anywhere with your fingers bleeding like that. Let me take care of you." she said with a warm smile. I followed her into the kitchen where she got a first aid kit.

"What's your name?" I asked suddenly. I was eager to know who was the woman who wasn't afraid of a teen sneaking in.

"My name is Sally Jackson. Pleased to meet you"


So there you guys go! Chappie Two is done! I know it's a filler but more stuff will happen soon!

Izzy meet Sally!:O

Please tell me what you thought down below!

PS:PS: please check out my bestie @leandralovesit story "The Fandom Radio" it's awesome, you won't regret it!:D

So as always




&*stay awesome

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