Love at first shot

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Isabelle POV

So there I was running. Running from what you ask? Well from a freaking 20 foot scorpion that's what. Now you're thinking what the hell a scorpion?! Yeah dimwits.

It was black as night and it's stinger was trying to poke at me but I kept running. I'm sweating like a fat guy in gym period after eating 5 mega burritos. That's not good.

I felt my leather jacket getting stuck to my skin and my black hair getting in the way of my eyes. I wanted no more to be bald at that moment.

So it was about nighttime and I have no idea where the hell am I. I'm just running down a random street with a beach on one said and a strawberry field in the other. I tried my best not to look back cause it would slow me down. Then I saw a huge tree just a few blocks away. I wanted to run faster but my legs won't let me. I'm panting and screaming for help but no one listens as always.

I finally got to the tree and inmedietly climbed. Grabbing one branch after another and trying not to slip is a pretty hard job. Plus it's raining so it's extra slippery. I got to the top and say the scorpion trying to jump. For fucks sake this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure biology never covered mutants.

I got to the top and I'm standing at the last branch while hugging the tree. The scorpion was jumping higher and I felt the stinger getting closer to my body. I was trembling and freezing and I'm clueless.

Then I heard a voice yell "Trust me!" it sounded like a guy's voice. I looked around but I couldn't see anyone. I yelled out again" Trust me Gray and fall." For some pathetic reason I considered and I looked down into the bug's beady eyes staring into my soul. I looked down and it looked like the fall could kill me.

I'm going to die anyway and then I jumped.


HI guys! So I'm a huge fan of Percy Jackson(the books not the movie) and I decided to start a fan fic about it.

I hope you guys love it!! I'm probably gonna upload later one cause I have to make a choice if either to keep writing Christmas with the fangirl or start with this one. Let me know:)

As always




& *stay awesome.

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