Kazuichi Souda x Fem!Reader ~{Misunderstanding}~

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~~ Apparently Souda gives someone life, saying no names like :3~~


You watched Souda bug Sonia, it annoyed you the amount of times he would chase her to be rejected. You really liked Souda but he obviously was obsessed with her.

Today was different, he asked Sonia something, a huge blush on his face, and she nodded. You felt your heart shatter, did Sonia just agree to dating him?

You grab your stuff and Chisa walks in. Your cheeks were red with anger.

You put your hand up. "Miss Yukizome" she looked at you and smiled.

"What's the matter (L/n)?"

"I don't feel too good, can I go back to my dorm?" She raised her brow and realised how red your cheeks were.

"Yeah go ahead..." You grabbed your stuff and walked out.


You sat in bed and you really didn't want to be at this school with them both being a couple. You had to go.

You grab your phone, purse, keys and other essential things.

You run to your motorbike and you hop on quickly and start it up.

"(L/n)-chan!" You turn to see Souda and you glare at him. "What's wrong, I was going to che-"

"Why don't you go check on your precious Miss Sonia." You snap and drive off. Souda stands there shocked.

As you were driving you were crying. You stop at a red light and you wait.

You turn to see a car with no sign of stopping, it hit you. You flew off your bike and traffic was still.


"News report: Crash on Main Street! A girl about the age of 17-18 was knocked flying off her motorbike after a drunk driver hit her from behind... We have a reporter there at the crash. Over to y-"

Sonia turned off the phone and went pale. "I have to tell Souda-kun"

As off on cue he slumped at his desk, upset by (L/n)'s actions, they have been best friends since the start.

"Souda-kun..." Sonia stood there, he didn't even react happily at her talking to him.

"She hates me, Miss Sonia..."

"Well... Even if that's true... You might want to see this" she showed him the news report and he covered his mouth. He teared up and Sonia pat his shoulder.

This afternoon he was going to confess and he asked Sonia for help with his plan. He realised you saw and took it in the wrong way, now his crush was probably in a hospital bed. He had to go. But Chisa would never let him...

"Good Afternoon, you rotten oranges!"

"Yukizome-san, (L/n)-chan is in hospital"

"W-what? I thought she only felt ill"

"She was in a car crash. She was knocked off her bike..." Fuyuhiko and Peko even gave a concerned look. They were all friends with her, being in hospital was the last thing she deserved. Hiyoko shoot up.

"I think we should check on her" Chiaki said while clicking buttons on her DS.

"Let's go see her then, you bunch of stupid pigs!" Mikan cowered and stood.

"Yeah let's go..." Everyone stood and left class, Chisa lead the class.


"Sorry we can only let a few in at a time." The doctor said strictly.

"I think Souda-kun should see her first" Sonia said with a smile.

"She hates me." Souda said with a dull tone.

"I'll come with you then" Chiaki suggested and Souda sighed.


The pink haired teens walked through to your room. You saw Souda and looked away.

"(L/n)-chan, why are you ignoring me?" Souda spoke and stepped forward. You didn't want to talk to him, but now you were alone with him but Souda didn't even notice Chiaki leave.

"I don't want to hear you boast about Sonia after I saw her agreeing this morning, you know how much that hurt, I knew I'd get left behind"

"(L/n)-chan y-"

"Don't '(L/n)-chan' me!" You cry and he grabs your hand.

"I didn't ask Sonia out, I asked her for help" you look at the hand he hand hold of "I was going to confess to you..." You go bright red and you start to cry.

"I'm so stupid..." He sits on the edge of you bed. "I love you too" you cry and he wipes your tears. He rests his other hand on your cheek and you nuzzle into it.

He leans forward and kisses you, you kiss back and put your hand over his. When he pulls away you both smile at each other.

You start coughing up blood. "K-Kazuichi"

"Nurse! Doctor!" Mikan runs in along with other doctors.


Souda sits up and looks at you sleeping by you.

He kissed you forehead. "Just a dream.."

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