Day 26 - On One Of Their Birthdays

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I love you all and I hope that you all enjoy this slightly shorter chapter! xx

Day 26 - On One Of Their Birthdays

Castiel couldn't stay sat with Dean especially with all the conflicting emotions running around inside him. It was becoming harder to not tell Dean what was happening. He was becoming increasingly desperate to find out what the truth was and without the knowledge on who to trust he just didn't know what to ask.

When he left Dean he flew to Bobby's scrapyard adn fell to his knees. Tears merged with the rain that began to fall more rapidly as he finally let out everything that had been bothering him. All the confusion and all the deep feelings that he hadn't know he was ever able of feeling flooded out of him in those tears.

"Cass? Castiel?" Sam asked as he walked out into the rain when he saw Castiel, "You got here quickly."

Castiel looked up and he was thankful that it was raining because Sam couldn't telling he'd been crying, "What did you want Sam?"

Castiel must have been absorbed in his thoughts of Dean to have heard Sam's calls but now he was hear he could listen to the younger Winchester and find out what he wanted.

"It's Dean's birthday in a couple of days and we wanted to have a party for him and I sort of... forgot a little bit," Sam said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, "Everyone arrived but we need to get everything else together. I was wondering, could you whip up some quick party food?"

Castiel looked at Sam. How could he have forgotten Dean's birthday? It was one of the most important things of every year for each of the individual humans and even if Dean was part of the ailments that Castiel was facing he couldn't deny Dean a birthday party.

"Of course," Castiel reponded standing and brushing himself off as much as he could before following Sam to the house.


Castiel very quickly made a lot of food for the party. The food consisted of all of Dean's favourite foods. Castiel had made him bacon cheese burgers and laid them decoratively on a cupcake stand. He also made many, many different pies form the classic apple to a forest fruit one that Castiel remembered Dean particularly enjoying the first time he made it. He also mad the pancakes that Dean enjoyed so much for breakfast along with a lot of other foods that he'd wanted to try for a while.

When Dean arrived in the scrapyard drenched and caked in mud, Sam went out to greet him while everyone else hid. Castiel ducked down behind the kitchen counter and thought positively. He was still furious with Dean and everytime he saw him he couldn't help but feel heart broken. This however was something that Dean hadn't ever had before and he had to act even more adn make sure that Dean had a good time.

That was when the door swung open and everyone jumped up from their hiding positions.

Dean was astonished as he looked form guest to guest and then at the food and then at Castiel. He looked to be smiling but Dean had know him long enough to recognise his fake smile and that was the most obvious one he'd seen in a while. However, he wasn't going to sour the amazing party that his brother had put together for him so he smiled and hugged Sam tightly.

"Thank you so much Sammy!" Dean exclaimed trying to avoid eye contact with Castiel as he rested his head on Sam's shoulder.

"You're welcome Dean. It's about time you got to do some normal human things rather than running around with your angel boyfriend and trying to stop the apocalypse."

Everyone around the room chuckled lightly and looked at Dean with a big smile that Dean could only half return.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get this party started!" Dean yelled as he raised his hands excitedly and looked at all of his friends surrounding him.


The party was a success and everyone left feeling like they's had a great time and caught up with everyone. It had been a while since everyone had got together and they were all happy to have finally.

Castiel hadn't really socialised but he couldn't dig himself out of his own thoughts long enough to have a decent conversation with anyone so he mainly cooked through out the evening so that they didn't run out of food.

"Cass," Dean muttered quietly as he sat a little way away from Castiel as he was washing the dishes, "I just wanted to say thank you for the party."

"The party was Sam's idea,"Castiel said bluntly not looking up from his washing, "I only made the food at his request."

"Well I want to say thank you for making my favourite things and cleaning up," Dean said sighing slightly and getting to his feet, "I'm a little tired so I'm going to bed."

Dean started to move towards the stairs but hesitated and turned back, "I don't know what's wrong at the moment Cass but I want to tell you that I'm right here and I'll help you get through whatever it is."

Dean gave Castiel a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving him to go to sleep upstairs.

When Dean had left Castiel dropped the plate he was washing into the water and spoke softly, "I love you too Dean."

Author Note: I know it's a short one and I'm sorry about that but I'm a little tired and I've already written two other chapters of stuff today and I'm more than a little bit tired of typing. My fingers are FREEZING!

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