Day 9 - Hanging Out With Friends

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Day 9 - Hanging Out With Friends

After the pie incident, no one left the house for quite a long time which was both good and bad. It was good because it meant that, for now, there weren't any monsters roaming around killing people. But, to the Winchesters who never really had any free time, it didn't feel right.

Out of experience, something a hunter knew was that there was never nothing out there and this fact made the distinct lack of the supernatural all the more worrying. They hadn't had a case in months and they were all getting a little restless and generally sick of each others company.

"Wanna play Mario Kart?" Dean asked with a huge sigh as Sam slumped into the couch beside him.

"No Dean. Don't ask again," he replied with an equally huge sigh before taking a large swig of coke.

"I need some dickhead to hunt, what are they all playing at. Is there some sort of monster strike?" Dean exclaimed throwing his arms in the air wildly.

"I don't think mosters do that," Sam speculated, "Just be thankful that we have time to get a plan together for the coming apocalypse."

"I'm done with the damn apocalypse Sammy. I'm sick of saving the world's ass. Let it save itself for once!"

"I don't think we really have a choice Dean. No one else seems to want to do anything and if we don't people are going to die."

"That's not our fault!" Dean shot back.

"Shut it girls!" Bobby yelled as he strode into the living room, "Quit bitching and go out for a bit. Just find something to do, someone to do it with just anything to get you out of my house! Bugger off!"

As if cued, Castiel arrived and quickly disappeared having transported the two winchesters away with him.

"Well that worked out well," Bobby muttered to himself before turning and walking back through to his 'office'. Maybe he could finally get something done for himself for once.


"Shit, Cass!" Dean yelled as he landed on a dry sandy track, "I told you not to do that!"

"I'm sorry but they called be here and told me to bring you with me," he informed them looking between the two of them then at the red barn in the distance.

They appeared to be in a desert or at least that's how it looked to Dean. Small sand tornado's whipped round their feet as they stood facing the barn that towered over them. It looked old but not ancient with dark, peeling paint crumbling at the edges where it had constantly been hit by storms of sand. The doors were not quite closed and they wobbled gently in the wind that ruffled through the men's hair.

"About time," a male voice called from around the door of the barn, "We thought you should check it out."

The group trundled into the barn and were met with Rufus stood beside a body.

"Nice to hang out with you again Rufus," Dean said gruffly as he gave him a pat on the back before squating down and looking at the body beside him.

"Wish it could have been in better circumstances but nothing's ever perfect. You must be Castiel I assume," Rufus said holding out a hand and shaking Castiel's.

"How did you know to get hold of Cass?" Sam asked looking at the body at his feet, "I didn't think you knew him."

"Oh I don't but Bobby said if I ever needed you boys that I could just pray to Castiel and you'd be with me momentarily," He explained looking at the boys, "I found her like this and I thought it would be good to get the real experts to take a look at it."

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