Day 11 - On A Festive Holiday

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Day 11 - On A Festive Holiday

Dean still didn't know what Raphael knew and it was starting to bother him. Not just the fact that Castiel wasn't telling him something but also the fact that Raphael knew. He couldn't believe that Raphael knew something about Castiel (no matter how he had discovered the fact) that he didn't. He loved him and he couldn't think of a single thing that he had ever kept from Castiel yet he was keeping something from him even after it had been revealed he had a secret.

He wasn't sure what it was and to be honest he wasn't sure whether he cared anymore, he just wanted to know that Castiel trusted him. Because, Dean trusted Castiel and no matter how many times he was told that he was stupid for trusting an angel he still did. But with every passing day the unknown secret ate him from the inside out. It clawed at his very being and caused him to doubt all that he'd ever known about the man laid beside him. Everything he'd ever told him, everytime he'd looked into those crystal blue eyes and thought he knew all about the person whom they belonged to. But now he began to think that maybe, he didn't.


He couldn't tell him. Him loosing his 'mojo' as Dean would put it wasn't a big deal but for some reason, deep down inside, Castiel felt it was. He felt that if he said something all hell would break lose and the only person that he'd ever truly grown to love would fall. He couldn't bare to think of it. That niggling feeling at the back of his mind was currently the only thing holding him back.

Why was he being so stupid. He was overthinking it. Nothing bad was going to happen and even if it did, he would be there to protect Dean. That was it. The fact was that he could no longer protect Dean. From anything; Demons, Vampires, everything; he couldn't do anything to stop them. He could no longer protect the Winchesters which was what he had promised himself he'd do and he wasn't prepared to lose them. So, he'd keep his secret locked up so no one could find out and he'd go on acting as if nothing was wrong so his only friends he'd ever had remained safe.


The Winchesters had never really done much on New Years Eve as they had never really considered it a holiday. It was just the end of another year filled with loss and heartbreak and the beginning of another much the same. And, to be honest, that wasn't any cause for celebration.

This year however was a little different. They may not have much to celebrate but a lot had changed over the last year especially the long awaited love proclamation between Dean and Castiel.

But even that alone hadn't given the Winchesters any reason to don their party hats and get into the spirit. If it wasn't for Castiel they would have ended up falling asleep before midnight and spending their evening as if it wasn't the end of a year and the beginning of a new one that would hopefully bring better luck.

"Dean?" Castiel asked as he appeared beside the man who was sat lazily on the couch with a beer in one had and the remote in the other.

"Cass?" he asked back in the same tone, turning his head to face the quizzical angel.

"Where are all the people and the food? It is new years eve, is it not?"

Castiel loved the traditional holidays of the humans and considered them one of the species best traits. The parties and music, the food and drink although seemingly just for a good time actually meant a lot more to many people than they realised.

Every celebration ignited a chain reaction that led to meetings than in turn sparked events that joined people together who would never normally have met. Every party, every small get together changed a person life even if it was the smallest amount and from watching humans enjoy these everyday Castiel had always wished for his chance to join one.

"Yes it is. What's wrong?" Dean muttered turning himself so Castiel could fit next to him on the relatively small sofa.

"It's nothing," he said looking round in slight confusion. Even Bobby and Sam didn't appear to be around, "Where are Sam and Bobby?"

"They've gone out for a drink. I said I'd stay here in case you decided to show up. Good job I did right?"

"I don't understand. Don't you celebrate New Years Eve?"

Dean sighed and swigged his beer, "There's nothing really to celebrate. It's just the end of one crap filled year and the beginning of the next. Not much to celebrate."

"There's everything to celebrate," Castiel replied looking into Dean's eyes, "The beginning of new oppourtunities and the chance to forget all your regrets of the past year. A chance to move forward and leave what has been holding you back behind. The celebration of all you've gain and lost all the bad times and good times of the passed year and a chance to stay close with your friends and family and remeber all that you've done together."

Dean looked at Castiel and his eyes sofened as he did so. He'd never really thought of it that way before. He'd always looked at New Year with skepticism and never even considered all the good things about it.

"I really do love you Cass," he sighed kissing him on the forehead and standing, "Let's get some pie and get the party going!"

Castiel smiled and nodded before vanishing and reappearing a moment later with armfuls of evey flavoured pie he could find.

"Did I mention I loved you?" Dean said smiling and helping him with the tower of pie.


Dean and Castiel spent all night eating pie and playing games. There wasn't a dull moment with music playing softly in the air around them and their laughter filling any pauses. The television wailed in the background as the usual New Years Eve programme played and for the first time in a long time they both felt their worries melt away.

It seemed like a long time had passed since both of them had felt this good on any given day as every game they played brightened their smile; no matter how terribly bad they both were at it. Every bite of pie and every sip of drink made them forget all the trouble's that were currently on their shoulders just for one night as they retold stories of the adventure's they had shared together over the past year and laughed.

As the clock neared midnight they both sat down on the dusty sofa a little out of breath from the Twister game they had just completed and smiled at each other.

"Thank you," Dean said looking at the angel beside him, "Thank you for throwing me this private party. I've had a great time."

"You're welcome. Thank you for coming," Castiel replied smiling back at Dean softly.

Dean's laughed twinkled through the air as he sat back on the sofa and slung an arm over Castiel's shoulders.

"The new year's nearly here and it's time to begin the countdown!" a voice yelled through the television speakers, "10...9...8..."

Dean turned to face Castiel and looked deep into his ocean blue eyes.


Castiel looked back looking into the soft forests of his best friend and love.


"This is it," Dean spoke softly.


"The beginning of a new year."


"Happy New Year Dean."


"Happy New Year Cass."


They drew close and softly brought their lips together in a promise for a new year that brought them closer and strong then ever before. Nothing could beat them now because they were never going to leave each others sides.


Author Note: I know that it's a little late for New Year but... you know... Happy New Year...? Please comment and tell me what you think and if you really loved it the give it a vote!! I want to say thank you to everyone who reads this! I love you all!!

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