Day 20 - Dancing

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Do You Love Me?

Author Note: I had two sort of ideas in the making for this chapter. One funny and one cutesy and I've decided to go for cutesy due to something I'll tell you more about at the bottom. Oooooooo secrets!

I really hope that you all enjoy this chapter and that is suitably cutesy (more about the secret in the last author note!). I love you all, enjoy! xx

Day 20 - Dancing

Dean wasn't exactly known for his dancing and as a hunter he really didn't need to be, it wasn't a skill that many hunters required. Dean, however unlikely it seemed, did know how to dance and wasn't that bad. He thoroghly enjoyed doing so. It wasn't something that he freely admitted and to be honest he didn't think that he had admitted it to anyone, not even Sam but he really did enjoy doing so.

He hadn't really planned on telling anyone until they were invited to a formal ocassion for one of their hunter friends. It wasn't a wedding but an engagement party and they were fully going for it which Dean could understand.

Hunters rarely escaped the work and if they did they didn't normally last very long. Just the fact that this one had managed to stay out of that world long enough to meet someone and settle down was a complete miracle and something to be celebrating. This meant that it was a big occassion and he didn't want to skimp out on anything so they had insisted upon a grand event and had invited the Winchesters boys, Bobby and each of their plus ones.

Naturally Dean had chosen Castiel but it was a little harder for Sam as Bobby had immediately asked Adam whether he wanted to come so Sam was left near enough alone.

"Well who am I meant to go with?" Sam grumbled as he walked to get a beer, "There's no one left."

It was at that point that Gabriel decided to show up for one of his 'check-ups'.

"Sambo, Deanosaurus, Cassie!" Gabriel exclaimed as he appeared in front of them all, "Whatcha think of the new nicknames apart from Cassie. Can't really switch that one up much."

Gabriel stood mumbling a little while Dean looked between Sam and Gabriel as if to suggest him as a guest. Sam caught on and glared his way giving him a sharp shake of the head.

"I never can understand your secret silent Winchester lingo," Gabriel said popping up between them and looking back and forth, "What's it this time?"

"Nothing," Sam muttered giving Dean a very pointed look. Dean raised the hand that wasn't sat on Castiel's hip in the air in surrender before giving him a half smile and nodding his head towards the archangel.

Sam sighed deeply and decided that he may as well give it a shot. He didn't want to show up without a plus one when everyone else in his group was with someone; that would just be embarrassing.

"Gabriel," Sam started, pulling a hand through his hair and facing the slightly confused archangel, "One of our hunter friends is having an engagement party and I need a plus one would-"

Sam didn't even get to finish his sentence before Gabriel smirked and interrupted, "Sure Samsquatch but we shall be having none of that kinky buisness."

Sam looked at the archangel in alarm and shook his head with his arms in front and flailing slightly, "No, no, no, you're not a date! Just someone to go with. I don't want to turn up alone that's all, you got the wrong idea!"

Gabriel smirked, "We all know you want some of this, nothing to be ashamed of," Gabriel teased.

"Shut up!" Sam shouted pushing the archangel away who just stumbled into quite an angelic (well he is an angel) turn.

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