Day 7 - Cosplaying

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Day 7 - Cosplaying

Dean and Cass were still not 'officially together'. Everyone knew that they had told each other, mainly because Castiel had accidently told everyone while Dean wasn't around, yet they still weren't a couple. It was beginning to get a little ridciulous.

They'd all tried hinting that they knew something as different between them but nothing seemed to be getting through. They had tried everything and it was getting to the point that they just had to say something obvious as the sexual tension build up was worsening and the meaningful stares becoming more frequent.


After the snowball fight and the surprise appearance of Gabriel, the archangel decided to stay for a while which the Winchesters and Bobby agreed to, much to Dean's discomfort. The angel so far hadn't pulled any pranks or killed Dean multiple times when Tuesday came around which to be honest, everyone was half expecting. That was all abou to change though.

One morning Dean awoke slowly and stretched. He could hear the clatter of glasses and pottery from downstairs where everyone was busy getting food and early morning sun was warming his skin nicely as he lay still dozing in his bed. He was ready for what seemed to be a nice relaxing day.

However, it was not to be so as with a blink of Dean's eyes he was stood with Sam, Castiel, Bobby, Gabriel, Jo, Ellen and Chuck in a rather crowded street with many people who were dressed in rather perculiar clothing.

"Rise and Shine campers!" Gabriel's sickly sweet voice and smug voice calls to the small group surrounding him, "I've brought you all hear today for a little fun."

"What the fuck sort of time do you call this? It's barely past nine!" Dean yelled at the archangel who was scanning over the whole group.

It was then that Dean realised what he was wearing. His usual light, tight clothes were gone and replaced by loose fitting jeans and a shirt covered in an oatmeal jumper. He looked around at everyone else and they too weren't dresseed in their usual attire.

Castiel was in a tight purple shirt that he looked particularly good in and some tight fitting suit trousers. He was also wearing a blazer and his hair wasn't styled in it's usual slightly messed up way. It was a little darker and curled so that half of it hung slightly in fornt of his face and the other curled round his head loosely.

Bobby was dressed smartly in a suit as were Chuck, Sam and Gabriel. Ellen seemed to be wearing a Grandma's clothes and Jo was dressed in relatively normal clothing with a plain white lab coat slung over top. Everyone's hair had changed and they were all wearing near enough the same expression that very clearly said that they were pissed.

"Why, why am I here?" Chuck stuttered, looking at all of the people surrounding him with a look of great confusion, "This wasn't meant to happen today. This was meant to be the day that... I was a little busy."

"Yeah, Jo and I are in the middle of a hunt. How did we even get here?" Eleen said glaring at each of the men in turn who all looked back a little scared and shrugged.

"That would be me, guilty," Gabriel said with a small smile, "Come on, I'm not doing any harm I just wanted to do a group cosplay and I need a few friends to play the characters."

"I don't even know who you are!" Jo shouted turning on the short archangel and looking at him with an eyeborw raised.

"Name's Gabriel, archangel and master mischief maker Loki," He said with his usual smug half smile, "Pleased to meet you Jo, Ellen, I've heard a lot about you."

"All good I hope," Ellen said looking at the Winchesters sharply and shaking Gabriel's hand, "Now explain again, exactly why we are here."

Everyone turned Gabriel's way, "We are going to a convention!" he stated, throwing his hands in the air and looking at them all expecting faces of excitement. He was gravely disappointed, "I love these things and I've always wanted to do a group cosplay so I thought I'd gather you all here and make my own dreams come true."

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