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Throwback of Tae and his mom in MM


"What do you wanna wear for your baby shower?" Maurice asked looking at me. Her, Korea, and I were at Nic's condo. Of course they were pestering me with questions about the baby shower when I told them multiple times just do what they know I like.

I shrugged placing a hand full of Doritos in my mouth "It doesn't matter."

Maurice smacked her lips "You been getting on my damn nerves." She semi-yelled at me.

"What?" I giggled. "What did I even do?"

"Every time we ask you something about YOUR baby shower you always say it doesn't matter." She mimicked my voice. "It does matter Nicole, we're trying to do this for you and don't give a damn."

I looked between them, Korea had her lips tucked in looking awkward as hell and Maurice was staring at me waiting for me to say something.

I just continued eating my chips and looking at Twitter on my phone. We were sitting at the kitchen table, they were directly across from me.

"So you just not gone say nothing?" Maurice asked.

I laughed "I mean what do you want me say? You going ape shit on me for no reason."

Korea busted out laughing with me.

She stood up grabbing her notebook and water off the table "Y'all let me know when y'all leaving."

We laughed harder "Girl sit down." Korea told her.

She flicked us off walking away, we heard Nic's room door shut after a while.

I shook my head sighing "She crazy."

"We all are, but I get what she's saying about you not caring." Korea said looking at me. "We know you never wanted to have a baby shower, hell you tell us almost everyday! All she's saying is that you could be a little more cooperative in telling us what you want."

I groaned "Fine, ask away." I faked smiled rolling my eyes.

She grinned "Ok so what do you want to wear?" She asked picking up her pen.

Her and Maurice were pen and notebook crazy.

I bit at my nails thinking about it. I definitely hated wearing clothes these days. If I could I'd walk around butt ass naked 24/7.

"A robe" I tossed more chips into my mouth.

"Really Nicole?" She smacked her lips. "You can't be serious."

I shook my head "I am, that's what I want to wear. Not a bath robe but like a dress that looks like one."

"Ohhh ok well then that's fine." She wrote it down. "What color?"

"Sky blue, y'all still doing gold and white decorations right?"

She nodded "If that's what you want."

"I do, but add a little blue in there and I want everybody to wear blue, make sure it's sky blue though.


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