We all wrong pt.3

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*Few Days Later*


I swung the door open and smacked my lips once I seen who it was "Nigga if you coming to fight today we gone have to schedule it some other time." I said turning around, leaving him standing there.

Today I had people in and out of my house fixing my mirrors that crazy ass Nicole broke. Earlier this morning I took my watches to get fixed and later on once the glass repair men left I was going to buy another car.

"I ain't come here for no drama man, I came to apologize." I heard him walking behind me.

I slightly turned around "Y'all Parkers been fucking up with me a lot lately huh?" I chuckled.

He sighed "Just hear me out."

I motioned for him to sit down on the couch that was across from me while I sat on the other one. "Alright listen man." He spoke "You got the right to be pissed at me and all, I been doing some real fucked up shit; but that's my sister and you know it's always been fuck shit up and ask questions later with me when it come to her. It's been that way since we were little ass kids. That's literally the only blood family I got left on this earth and I feel I gotta protect her at all cost. I thought I had to protect her from you and that's where I messed up, instead of getting in the middle of y'alls shit I should've minded my own damn business."

I nodded "Yeah you think." I leaned over resting my arms on my legs "How long we been best friends Nic?"

"Ten years"

"A whole fucking decade! We grew up together like brothers, I thought if nobody else knew me, you did."

"I know man."

"For you to test my character, calling me grimy and all that extra shit... That shit hurt nigga." I spoke looking at him. "I knew when shit first started happening with me and your sister it was risky but I couldn't stop it and to be honest I didn't want to. I thought you'd trust me enough to at least stay in your fucking lane." I clasped my hands together. "When I got her pregnant I understood why you felt some type of way, you didn't have the right to but I still understood. I brushed that fight under the carpet, but that yacht fight was outta line nigga."

He nodded, listening to what I was saying.

"I understand that's your sister and you wanna know shit that go on with her life, but quite frankly what me and her do ain't none of your business."

He agreed "I know I gotta let her grow up and be independent."

"You do."

He was quiet for a minute "We good?" He asked.

I shrugged "Ion know Nic, I ain't too interested in y'all right now."

He sighed "Alright man I'll accept that."

One of the men that where fixing my mirrors came downstairs with all the cracked glass from one mirror in a bucket.

"Aye on Nicole behalf I apologize for all the stupid shit she did." He said sincerely.

I sniffed "An apology ain't gone get my shit fixed. She taking care of my son?" I asked, I could care less how she was I didn't give a fuck. Our child was my main concern.

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